Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

they said htat 10000 people just bought it this month

forcing me to play with alliance , even tho i constantly get ganked by them ,removing brutosaur , poor choices on balancing " prot war meta" , bad crafting order implementation , not punishing abusers of exploits encouraging “exploit early , exploit fast” mentality ( weekly quest abuse and shards abuse on launch ) , overwhelming advantage of beta players over those who didnt knew how to use system early on , i could go on , DF has its good points but man the negative stuff overwhelm the good stuff.


we’ve had almost 10 years of bad experiences. Legion may have “felt” good, but it was marred with gates and lockouts and all that really horrible stuff we seem to forget about.

It wears on people and only us with Stockholm Syndrome come back every year. The rest move on.


Well then why dont you go play hotcake if you love it so much?

(this is not a serious post for our friends who take everything literally)

same bro. im thinking of unsubbing also. i can dragonride but i dont care for it. i didnt ask for my regular flying to be replaced. pisses me off. at least i control my wallet. Blizz cant nerf that.
i do like Dragonflight. good x-pack.
Dragonriding can Kiss my Rearend.

im looking for another game to give my money to. may take a while but i will find something. i will still be around till then.


Seems like it did pretty good to me. Sure it could have easily done things better…

I heard it is selling more like waffles

for me it was then the renown/rep mechanics. This lost its reasonability at this point to me.

who are you again, goes the npc.

Dude, c’mon. Don’t make me regret stopping the jailor. One finger snap, NPC. What do you think your odds were of surviving were? I stopped that. Now, lets not do this fame game shall we. I am universally known in this plane of existence and the afterlife.

Something something play the game.

you can have a game that gives carrots on sticks to chase…not needing the whole world to forget who the hell you are.

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You can only screw over your players so many times before they say “Meh, no thanks”. Personally, I know for a fact that this will be my last xpac if I even make it through. I dont like that they made m+ harder for the sole purpose of pushing people into raids. If my friends leave before the end this time ill be gone as well.


“Honeymoon” is a lie, it wasn’t at all the same during Shadowlands. People keep saying this, but there was an entire #pulltheripcord movement trashing SL’s systems from the start, and that criticism remained throughout the expac. The launch trailer also was ratioed and broke records in terms of its number of dislikes, and there was plenty of media coverage of all this.

I have no idea why DF is not selling, but SL was not even close to this type of positive reception.

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BFA was hyped so hard. They spent so much on tv commercials, the cost was likely more than the development of the xpac. You legit couldnt go anywhere without seeing ads for it. I also enjoyed parts of bfa, that final patch was great. Nylotha and a Open world pvp were great.

maybe it is selling like french toast???

The wow token gold value dropping by a third indicates more players needing gold mostly due to many gold sinks.

This 100%. On top of other things

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because BFA , SL stacked on the already exhausting systems fatigue that Legion created combined that with blizzards REP did a ton of damage to the game and to the company, and while DF fixes some things it still is not nearly enough to get everyone back.

SL was the last straw for the largely ignored casual / middle class player base, the player base that kept playing or coming back expecting things to get better after countless false promises from blizzard and it didn’t after several expansions in a row, combined that with what happened to blizzard you had a huge mass of loyal players ( RP, casuals, middle class ) finally pulled the plug from wow to and discover other games besides wow, AKA FF14, Genshin, etc etc etc.

While DF does somethings better it still suffers from a lot of same crap that player base that left got sick of and tbh i dont think DF does enough to get that player base back and i still think its still early to see if DF and whats next is enough to keep players that did return long turm, still a lot of uncertainty with blizzard and wow for many that left.

People really do have selective memory when it comes to Legion. Artifact power = azerite power, Having crappy legos till the last patch = not getting the azerite gear with the right traits etc… Bfa was very much like legion .


Blizzard has squandered a lot of good will serving up half an expansion in WoD, along with generally unpopular expansions in BfA and Shadowlands. Most on the guilds my characters are in are just as dead as they were less than halfway through Shadowlands, so there’s a lot of people who’ve given up on the game and Blizzard’s handling of it.

Blizzard’s attitude hasn’t helped, as they ignore criticisms and feedback, flying in WoD being a good example, and inevitably suffer the consequences. You can only burn customers so many times before they’re out the door, never to return.

I often hear on the forums that Blizzard can’t please everyone, but imagine if they could at some point. Everyone wouldn’t stay pleased for long because Blizzard is always changing the game, turning it upside down, inside out and back the front. Being deaf to negative feedback results in a shrinking player base as the game gradually alienates them.


Blizz will have less than 1 Mill subs way before 11.0 drops.
messing with our flying will bite Blizz in the rear.
we shall see. give it 2 years then look.

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Because Blizzard has, over the years and across all of its IPs, traded away all of its good will in exchange for “We don’t need to listen to your feedback we know what you want better than you do” and cold, hard cash for the investors.

One expansion launch doesn’t remedy that. Especially since, let’s face it, Dragonflight isn’t really all that good, it’s just… yknow, alright. It’s just that suffering through BFA and Shadowlands has drastically lowered players expectations, so an alright expansion looks so much better, after coming from Shadowlands…


As I pointed out a year and a half ago: