Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

they come off a failed expansion and they did the most ideotic thing ever possible
they charged more for the game


They could do a lot of good for the game by making Reps completely account-wide. Starting with 1 at Iskarra rep sucks even if there are catch up mechanics that let you cheese the weekly quest.


What would you say to someone to sell them on Dragonflight? “You don’t have to do an AP grind like before” doesn’t seem like enough – especially since up until a the recent mat changes a mere best weapon echant on my server was running for about 90k gold.

They don’t do anything new, it just comes across as “how can we make them do more of the same but buy more tokens.”


Yeah the thing with Blizzard and WoW is that it doesn’t get the free pass anymore. They seem to also be making lots of cash shop games and greedy choices. Feels like all we are is metrics and dollar signs to them nowadays.


IMO, Blizzard burnt too many bridges. We shall see what the future holds, though.


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I suspect many people got tired of waiting for Blizzard to change their ways.

They went many years living by the “you think you do, but you don’t” mentality.

It drove off a lot of people.


A game that’s been around for this long was always going to fade at some point. I really like this expansion - best since legion for me.

I think the MMO genre has changed - and the dominant model in many games seems to be mostly solo play with small group content - but not big group raids that go for hours - but big group world events that are time limited and repeated. WOW is sort of stuck between the old mode and ‘transmogging’ to the newer model.

Because of a variety of reasons the Blizzard Lawsuit, Shadowlands caused innumerable people to quit and yeah the game is old.


no we don’t. we just didn’t have problems with the things you had problems with.


Because WoW is 20 and Blizzard took an enormous hit to their reputation and the Dragon Flying pitch isn’t enough. We also aren’t in a COVID lockdown so we have more stuff to do outside the home.


Well after two back to back dumpster fire expansions. People have been burn way too many times by Ion. A lot of people are telling me they are done with WoW til Ion goes.


imagine if it was called Return of the Lich King and they nostalgia’d their way into retconning Arthas back. That would sell.

Game still hasn’t fixed the major flaws bring it down for over a decade now.

Ironic…dragons and the lack of Sylvanas are what hyped me up for this expansion. Well that and finally some optimism after two years of doom, gloom, have fun in hell land.


It is boring?

playing both games has me going yeah…pvp is getting stale. and share similar issues for the bg’s common to them.

now 3 expacs to work off of and all we got was…seething shores. which is elune awful. I’d take SOTA over it. SOTA is not liked either the kicker there. but its better.

This is also one of the big reasons for the game not “sticking” with young gamers/young demographics

Short attention-span types just don’t have the patience for WoW’s inherently grindy game design anymore… much easier to just pick up and play a modern 2022-era AAA game where you can just immediately jump into the action without any “catchup” needed at all

To be honest, even as a legacy/boomer player that started WoW in the mid-2000’s the “all your progress resets to 0 every 6 months” model is starting to feel a little stale

Right now they’re trying to “lure” those same above-mentioned young gamers to WoW by adding SJW/LGBT/etc to the game, but it isn’t working since the absence of that stuff isn’t what kept young gamers away. The game is just too grindy for the tastes of these younger guys, and the attention-spans are much lower nowadays as well

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I wouldn’t even frame it as short attention spans- MMO’s with much grindier design are wildly popular.

The problem is that WoW’s leveling system is inherently grindy. Chromie Time was a nice concept but it still fundamentally forces you through reams of dated content. Unless Blizzard wants to write a sort of ‘greatest hits’ version of WoW from Burning Crusade through Shadowlands it’s going to be a persistent problem, too. Basically something that exposes you to each expansion, gives you the cliff notes of it’s plot, and gives you some sort of nice set piece before shipping you off to the next one.

The problem with Chromie Time was always the fact that it turns each expansion into a sort of joke if you’re a new player.

That’s not anything new. If anything I’d say the simple fact that WoW shows it’s age is the problem. It’s the design clunk (raids are awful in terms of the volume of time spent not fighting relative to fighting) and the aged tech underpinning WoW (why are unique servers still a thing?) that are holding the game back.

No, those are just the unsurprising politics of people who live and work in the tech sphere in California.

what if they sold dragonflight pancakes in grocery stores