first expansion i can say it just kinda boring in terms of PVE…
Notable exception are 3 Drakes, LK fight on any mode and ULD.
problems with wrath are the following.
- tanks no longer manage threat at all in any real way.
- Naxx, Trial, Ruby sanctum and all the heroics are weak and boring and way too much hero dialog that you sit through. It’s the start of LFD, and literal face roll AE all the trash from one boss to the next, yes even in raids and you don’t slow down, you don’t CC or CS anything, you just zugzug the whole time.
- PvP is not actually better contrary to what you may be told, it’s just as broken just the top comps are different.
- Phased content was a neat idea that makes helping friends who are behind you on questing impossible in certain cases further alienating the community component of the game.
- Race changes, etc further eroding the community.
- it’s the start of the retail way of thinking about design and it doesn’t work.
Nah it didn’t start in Vanilla. You had to progress through the raid tiers in order to raid. From wrath onward, you could just farm badges and buy the old tier of gear. There was no reason to run Naxx after Ulduar came out, no reason to run Uld beyond 0 light or Algalon after ToGC was available, no reason to run anything else but ICC once it was out because you could farm the ICC heroic 5 mans for badges and gear that was better than you’d get anywhere else for minimal effort (wrath heroics were a significant step down in difficulty from TBC with the lone exception of the first 2 bosses of HoR).
Wrath was the start of “you don’t have to run old raid tiers to gear up for the new raid tier” and it was one of the worst decisions Blizzard made in the old era.
It’s not.
Only the people whom are upset their favorite expansions were all eclipsed by the popularity of wrath, get salty and try to claim wrath was awful.
Wrath wasn’t perfect, but there also really is no perfect expansions, all the expansions have flaws, or low points. But out of all the expansions, wrath stands at the top because it -was- a great game, no matter how much people want to try to say otherwise.
Edit: Also the dungeons were not that easy at the start of the expansion. I love hearing people complain about how easy / boring LFD dungeons were, when you look at TBC now and -no one is doing heroics-
TBC dungeons are not remotely better for being overtuned, infact people do them less because of it. Also, the Wrath dungeons don’t get “Easy” till people are kitted out in raid gear, and all the rush dungeons people keep remembering is ICC geared tanks laughing as they run through halls of storms or something just mass AOEing down stuff because they are so massively outgearing the content that it’s hilarious.
TBC literally has the same thing already, BT level tanks can easily breeze through heroic level dungeons.
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Classic and TBCC have shown this to be hilariously false.
Also, as a Feral, there was next to nothing in either MC or BWL that I needed to actually Tank and do my job, so technically the moment I was pre-raid BiS for T1, I was 100% capable of stepping up to AQ40 and proceeding.
You realize you can’t just buy everything right? And that trinkets from tier to tier have some lasting power (for the exact reason people kept going back to BWL even when Naxx released)? And that most of the badge pieces are side-grades at best?
That’s literally what ZG, AQ20, Tier 0.5, three levels of TBC badge vendors, progressively better rep vendors, ZA, and MgT were…
I could level my Mage to 70 right now, do nothing, wait until ZA drops, then just do Heroics and Kara for badges and kit myself out in T5 equivalent gear in 2-3 weeks, making my Mage more than capable of stepping into Hyjal and BT without sweating.
This isn’t a new thing.
The problem is that Naxx was a joke back in original WOTLK, compared to BT that was not seen as much of a joke in retail tbc. Your guild is going from Sunwell to prob the easiest raid ever made.
4 difficulties per raid
Honestly this is fine, I hate the stress of an expansion start where I need to log in constantly to level my character, level my professions, level my reps, and do all that other groundwork on top of doing a raid, ALL IN WEEK 1 IF POSSIBLE. It wasn’t like Kara/Gruul/Mag were hard, but they were just enough that bringing in entirely fresh people as everyone leveled up and filled out your raid was a bit painful.
Ulduar slams our faces with the various hardmodes, Yogg, and Algalon, so let me have some easy time getting all prepped on mains and alts.
wrath is amazing however there are bad things
cross server LFD is the main one
also just like vanilla a bunch of things were cut from the expansion
the 2 big ones was no troll raid due to time restraints and also there was supposed to be a whole underground area which was based around the nerubian enemies but that was never implemented.
So bad? No, it far excels TBC. If any expansion is bad I’d say it’s the current one TBC.
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Being on a Sub 300 population server (And I’m not leaving because my guild is amazing) I’m pretty open to cross server LFD, it was put in to help the smaller servers.
Not like I can hope for a server merge, since my Server is the only RP server that isn’t PVP
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Nothing major wrong with wrath. LFD and cross server was fine, teleport to the dungeon is a great QOL feature. PvP was good, PvE was good. If any ‘expansion’ is bad, its Vanilla.
WotLK was a mixed bag, just like Cata was - though I liked Cata better, overall.
Dungeons/content were too easy in WotLK & Deathknights were (overpowered) cockroaches that you couldn’t avoid grouping with (which ruined easy/faceroll dungeons & content even further).
The main thing WotLK go right, was more 10-man group/raid options - which is sorely lacking in TBC. 25/40 mans just aren’t very fun usually, but 10-mans are just the right size IMO.
Yeah not sure I understand the hate for LFD, haft your faction is currently on your server if your playing on a mega server. Example if you playing on Bene Alliance, your probably going to have 1 to 2 players always from Bene. Helps players that are on low pop servers where finding groups are hard.
I was about to mention it.
I mean, I am glad we had another class to bring “lust” to the raid.
what I didn’t like was homogenizing the shadow priest / ret mana return into replenishment. That never felt good.
Plus, terrible balancing throughout the expansion that was only fixed in the last patch - not even talking about DK.
For balance issues, I think we just get last patch like classic and tbc?. New lust isn’t in WOTLK I think that’s Cata.
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It’s really simple , The PvE elite want to control all PvE. It’s bad enough there may never be LFR but with posters like these…
I already called it and I’ll call it again anyways.
We’re gonna get cross realm LFD taken away from us in Lich King.
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We should get final patch balancing, which frankly makes the retread of the expansions so much better. No more wondering about where everything stands, no oddball gaps, no sudden nerfs of super strong skills… love it.
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I’m not too familiar with the term, but I’ve heard it being used a while back. “Wrath baby”. This implies some demarcation of game play between pre-Wrath and post-Wrath.
I personally won’t be playing Wrath because from the sounds of it, it won’t be my cup of tea. TBC is already pushing it.
But it’s not bad lol.
Not taking the bait on this one.
It was right when Activision began digging their claws in (Original Wrath) and they took more control right around Cata launch.