Why is Wrath a BAD expansion?

Tell us why you think Wrath = BAD.



What’s wrong with a better expirience for leveling alts? It isn’t like you can get heirlooms if you’re a new player, I for one am looking forward to heirlooms as I don’t really like leveling. I only have 2 level 70’s and the next highest are 62 and 51and I’ve been leveling those two since the middle of Classic.

Heirlooms are welcome in my book.


It’s the beginning of homogenization, largely reducing the level of investment required, and generally pulling back from server-specific communities via cross-realm design. It also emphasizes current raid over all others as you can just buy previous tier equivalent gear with emblems, they release new 5 mans that have insanely good gear for their difficulty/being a 5 man, and there’s almost no reason to go back and do old raids as virtually everything - except perhaps trinkets - are better in the new raid. I dislike that raid or die, and invalidate all previous content to focus on patch content, design of Wrath and on. It’s not as bad in Wrath as it is in later expansions but it’s still just not great.

But I’m still excited for Wrath.


BAD = Big Awesome Dungeons. Definitely Wrath.

They were a far better idea than Blizzard Boosts OR the RMT boosts people use now. Players came up with far worse ideas for the game.


I like heirlooms, but I personally wanted them to be an external bonus. The gear is nice to have, but it makes getting new pieces way less exciting since your heirlooms will virtually always be better. The saving grace is that in Wrath it’s only a few pieces, unlike retail where it’s virtually a full set.


The AoE, Diablo-esque brainless pulls in Wrath kinda got boring.

LFD is awful.


Wrath is the start of retail and the end of wow as an MMORPG.

  • Dungeons were a joke & boring : mostly pack/aoe everything. Free loot = reduce the sense of accomplishment
  • Linear & easy leveling/questing
  • LFD increase players toxicity since what they do have no consequence on them because of crossrealm and because they can just push a button to easily find a new group/party member.
  • Way less mana management except for some specs
  • Homogenization
  • Catch-up that make previous content useless which create the “Am i too late to start ?”
  • Multiples raid size/difficulty

Everything else was fine especially before 3.2.

I still see Wrath as the beginning of retail current state but i’ll play it and still enjoy it anyway.


I wasn’t aware Wrath was a bad expansion.

  • The removal of Attunements. Attunements were awesome (but not per Character). They should have made Attunements Account wide but kept them in game. It gave a timeline and purpose to entering Raids. Having a Fresh 80 Carried in ICC 25 normal was lack luster.

  • Lack of World pvp outside of Wintergrasp made being out in the world boring, you only leave Dalaran to Farm, Quest, or Run an Instance. Things like Towers that gave a Raid buff or faction token would have made actually going out in the world more fun.
    Other than that the lack of World pvp outside of Wintergrasp made being out in the world boring, you only leave Dalaran to Farm, Quest, or Run an Instance. Things like Towers that gave a Raid buff or faction token would have made actually going out in the world more fun.

  • In Original Wrath Dk’s were just sloppy they were either OP or not playable.


Naxx was too easy and TotGC was just lazy. Thats about it… Everything else is a non-issue and character design, world design, quest design was at the pinnacle.


Ugh. The brainless Diablo AoEing in dungeons is painfully boring. I forgot about that.


no one wants to spend an hour+ to do their daily for the life of the expansion since badges change every phase and have to be ground back out.

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OH yeah! I forget Badges changed each time so you could Prep for a new Phase drop. That was super annoying.

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vehicle PVE and vehicle PVP (outside of Wintergrasp)
Death Knights (specifically Death Grip castable on players)
Anub’Arak (not being the raid boss he should be)


LFD and the beginning of “new thing invalidates all old things before it” were the only bad features to come out of wrath. Everything else was player driven (gearscore to name one). Sure there were balance issues but there always have been and always will be.

There’s a reason Wrath is widely accepted as peak Warcraft. It was their finest work since Brood War. It was the true last gasp of “old Blizzard.”

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In my opinion Wrath is overrated as an expansion for the following reasons:

  • Dungeons are some of the most boring and forgettable of any expansion. I ask people all the time to name their favorite wrath dungeon and it’s rare if anyone can list more than 1.
  • Part of the reason I think dungeons are forgettable is because of how easy they become in Wrath, which is made even worse once LFD launches. All dungeons become group everything and AOE. Might as well remove CC from the PVE side of the game because you will never need it again.
  • The zones are some of the most bland and boring of any wow expansion ever.
  • Naxx is a boring/easy version of Vanilla. TOC is hot garbage. Ulduar and ICC are the only good raids and I usually argue Ulduar is super overrated due to the annoying vehicles at start and 40% of the bosses being bad to meh at best, though I know I’m in the minority opinion of not thinking Ulduar is the greatest raid of all time. The only great thing about it is being able to pick and choose which bosses to do on “hard mode” which is a far better raid structure than “heroic” vs “normal”.
  • Death of the community for multiple reasons, LFD and GearScore come to top of mind. Once players no longer needed to care for their reputation, their true horrible selves dominated the landscape and this is still true and even worse today in retail.

Edited for spelling


It isn’t.


I always wondered why people hated this so much. Most vehicle (if not all) PvE requirements, regardless of expansion, were pretty simple and straightforward. I love piloting the abom on Putricide, easy job and essential to success. Maybe because a lot of vehicle mechanics feel specific for the encounter and Tanks have to deal with that crap nonstop?

Okay I loved his fight, what was wrong with it?

I mean… that started in Vanilla. Even in original Vanilla you didn’t need a full set of T1 to step into BWL and people only continued running partial runs of ZG because of enchants (which people hated doing). We’re already there in TBC with Kara being completely ignored for the most part unless you’re just trying to get freebies for your 3rd or 4th alt.

Ahn’khahet or however you spell it, along with Azjol’nerub. I also really liked Halls of Stone and the Occulus, but the latter one irked people 'cuz vehicles. All the ICC dungeons were great too but I was super overgeared for them by the time they released.

Least favorite is Violet Hold, just because wave instances are boring.

Uhhh you been playing Classic or TBCC at all?

That you find Grizzly Hills or Zul’drak “bland and boring” is actually baffling. For the first time we got zones that actually made sense to blend into one another for a cold/northern cohesive continent.

ICC and Ulduar definitely stand above the rest, but ToGC was fine as a raid, notably because the bosses were good, minus the PvP boss.

This is rose-tinted tripe. Before GearScore people demanded attunements and gear and refused to do a lot of PuG groups of anything beyond Karazhan. Before TBC you just had mega-guilds that either dinked around in MC all the time or threw hours upon hours of attempts into AQ40 until things died and the loot went to the GM’s e-girlfriend, who was frequently a source of drama and the person you had to suck up to in order to raid at all.

GearScore just allowed people that weren’t the big-name guild leads actually filter people and the community WENT WITH IT.

So silly…

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