Why is Wow dying ? (In your opinion )

Because children grow up. People move on, things don’t stay the same. No one and nothing is the same as it was, when WoW first launched.
You can never go home again.

It isnt? Otherwise I agree with Volla. People move on. Ive retired and come back a number of times, often taking 1-2 years off at a time (BC/Wrath, Cata, end of WoD, almost all of Legion)

Rewards are subpar, too much rng, too many recolour stuffs.
Looking at 8.1 classes normalization armors designed and decided to stay unsubscribed.
This is the second expansion I am gonna sit out.
Maybe next year this multi billions company would stop being so “on budget” and put out design for each class instead of 1 set for everyone.
Darkshores kudo is a good example of [Edited by Blizzard]. I mean why go through all that just for a stripped mount?

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

In my opinion… With everything so easily accessible and open to everyone. The content is quickly consumed. While the WF/TF carrot on a stick offers no replay value for simply put, a large amount of the player base. I simply don’t want to use casual or hardcore because over the years that line has shifted all over.

I don’t think it is all over for WoW. I just think the developers stopped making the game for the players and more for the stock holders but I think it can all be fixed. I genuinely hope that once Classic goes live it shows that a few things the way they worked again nothing specific, but that it shows value in the way the game was and perhaps guides the developers in the future for more welcomed and positive changes.

Having a mountain to climb wasn’t so bad and not having gear and catch up mechanics wasn’t all that horrible either. It made us feel more invested in our character. More immersed in the world. Agree with me or not this is after all an opinion thread.

I think players are just so fed up with the garbage the game industry has been feeding us. Blizzard keeps sayin WE HEAR U WE HEAR U :smiley: then don’t tell us anything at all, look at the diablo forums “we hear you” 2 months later radio silence like okay you clearly don’t. And don’t give me that bull crap “we want to show you when it’s done :D” your whole fanbase has lost faith in you you gotta show them something now or never or they’ll never trust you.

Same with wow pvpers, they just want balance and vendors, blizzard doesn’t give that to anyone. It feels like Russian roulette with every patch for pvp “this spec is SO GOOD :D” blizz nerfs it to the ground while buffing another class to be super OP, while making your class utterly useless

And they say “we’re listening :smiley: don’t worry guys” and then they give us more islands no one is asking for, because they are a grind fest.

Same with like warfronts they need to be fixed and changed, not keep adding more and more till we just accept it.

Why 100% absolutely REFUSE!!! To give this clear as day greedy company anymore of my money, yea my 15$ a month won’t change much. Since I unsubbed my friend unsubbed and my other friends unsubbed and their friends are unsubbing because they see the flaws that I see.

TLTR;DR stop giving us half baked content, and fixed what you have already given us before going forward.

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Well lets see RnG on top of even more RNG to include abilities RNG. I think that is enough. I mean really what game has RNG proc for you to do damage, is not a good game.


Wonderful, so you only care about people if you’re forced to…

The problem is directly related to the developers and their bosses at Blizzard. It can be summed up in two words:

Avarice and arrogance.


The problem is the people who think there’s a problem. WoW has never been better, sorry to those that are living in the past.

the change in game play and class design

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It’s fifteen years old.

LMAo at the fact you think Wow will be around in 10 years. It has maybe 3-4 years left at most. And that is generous …Activision is going to pull the plug long before 10 more year

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NIce NPC response


I don’t think the developers care about what they’re putting out anymore. It’s all a move for money, and to keep the subs rolling. After their continuous gating of the Zandalari and Kul Tiran races, I’ve realized that, now. I only really get on to roleplay nowadays (I’ve been actively roleplaying on the game for 5+ years, now) and that’s the only reason I stay. Even then, it’s not like the developers care about the RP community, either.

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Because the devs would rather tell us what constitutes fun and meaningful content than actually making something fun and meaningful.


Been playing WoW for 12 years. Nothing feels different today than it did back then. Maybe you’re on a low pop server or something… but for me, every time a new raid is released, I’m back in a queue to login.

It’s broken on many levels. Class, spec and racial differentiation is bland making choices between them largely irrelevant. Professions no longer matter to the game to any significant degree, or to each other and that has hurt gathering and gold making, which were an entire playstyle for some people.

Take something like flying. People like to whine about not having it. I say we’ve never had it. ‘Flying’ is just mounted swimming in the air. There are no flight physics. There are no differences in mounts other than cosmetic, and a few novelties like water mounts, multi-passenger etc. But there could have been fast mounts, slow mounts, maneuverable mounts. Mounts could have leveled and gained features and abilities, they could have had hit-points and been killable and resurrectable. Flight could have involved diving to gain speed, banking turns, struggling to get altitude, mounted combat using your actual abilities. A characters flight skills could have been learned and leveled by flying and fighting not by purchasing them from a vendor in a transaction. The thought process that gave us what we actually got as flying instead of some variation on the above, is why wow is fading and is the same thought process that lead to the problems with classes, specs, races, itemization etc etc etc.


Nothing feels different? Not sure if your being serious or not because everything feels different. No sense of server community at all. No sense of actaully progressing in power. More RNg then ever before. No tier gear to work towards, no BIS gear to work for , Guild pride is all but gone. Professions are pretty much useless and time gated . The story is all over the place . Classes are in the worst state they have ever been in. The list goes on and on.
Not sure how you can say with a straight face that nothing feels different

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Same with underwater. We could have had underwater cities, zones . Submarine battles, Warship battles So many things they could have tried

Nope. Nothing feels different.

I only ever interacted with guildees, which I still do and my sense of “community” remains unchanged.

I’ve been in 3 guilds total, the current one since 2011. Not sure what guild pride is, but I like mine.

As for power, rng, whatever. Nothing has changed. I get better gear, my heals are better. Never cared about BiS, it’s never been a realistic thing to aim for. It’s always been chance that determines whether you get it.

Tier replaced by Azerite is a mistake, but in terms of how successful/unsuccessful my guild is in raids, the switch has made no difference - which in the end is all I care about.

All versions of this game have been flawed, from classic through BfA. No one is going to like everything about a new expansion. Islands and Azerite are things I don’t like about this one.

Other expansions had things I disliked intensely too.

But when it comes down to the actually game play and the fun I get out of raiding… only Dragon Soul and Siege of Org have made me hate my existence - mostly because of their blandness and the content gap that came after while we waited for the next expac.

Raiding in BfA so far has been a hit rather than a miss. I have no idea if the next raids will be as good or will go the Dragon Soul / Siege route. I hope not.

It’s entirely possible my positive outlook on BfA has more to do with the people I play with rather than the content itself. But then it’s equally possible that it’s always been this way.