Why is Wow dying ? (In your opinion )

If the game is suffering from low player retention, declining player base, lack of quality and support, then why would you say its not dying ? Of course its dying and now with Activision forcing Blizzard to focus on NEw games and mobile market, how much more support do you think its going to get ? Its not the money maker it used to be. Its no longer the backbone of the company . And this is blizzards fault for being lazy and coasting all these years instead of actually developing more games

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Dying would indicate that they have stopped development completely. This isnā€™t the case at this point. Will it die in the future, most certainly, but at this point, they are still making new content.

Just because a company starts to focus on other revenue streams, doesnā€™t mean that its original bread n butter is dying.

Thatā€™s why!

For me itā€™s the state of PvP. Iā€™m a casual PvPer, always have been.

It used to be that, yes, while high end raid gear was still usually better, it was also hard to get. Now not only is there not really a viable way to get decent PvP by PvPing, but there are also additional ways people can simply outgear you anyway. Raiding, M+, lucky titanforges, etcā€¦

The lack of vendors and reliance on RNG for drops is also annoying.

They could largely repair the state of gearing in PvP by simply adding resilience back to PvP gear, and bringing back honor vendors. They already undid the templates, now undo the other stupid changes and weā€™ll be good.

That is historically what Iā€™ve spent the majority of my time doing in an expac. Gearing all my alts in PvP every season. It was fun. I enjoyed the process of growing stronger and earning new gear I worked for just like a raider enjoys getting their new tier (well, USED to) gear for their hard work.

I donā€™t have time to schedule for raiding anymore, so PvP is kind of my last holdout, and Iā€™m just crossing my fingers that bringing back WG will be good, but given the state it was in when last we saw itā€¦ most likely going to see a similar scenario where one side holds it almost always and you either get into the battle instantly but always lose, or your side always wins but you canā€™t get into the game and sit in a queue the whole time so you still canā€™t get a win.

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The team has lost anyone that cared about the IP, you can see it in their QAs, the hype videos with other devs, etc. Everyone just looks so tired and jaded.

No more firey personalities like ghost crawler willing to do battle with the community.

No more rockstar minded people like metzen who, while a bit clumsy at times, clearly loved the game.

Now all we have is this soft spoken guy who doesnā€™t think about the game in a longterm perspective and a community manager who hates the community.


The content we are getting is largely rehashed and reskinned previous content. We have not had any real new talents to earn at max level since WOD. They are not growing the game or the player base. Relying on marketing ploys and tricks to extend time played is not a sign of a healthy game. I see your point , but dying is dying . And wow just has not stopped twitching yet

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Well said, Nā€¦ Nary ayla is it? Narla yalla. Nareelula. ANYWAYā€¦ I was playing my shaman the other day and something happened that made me think what you said is absolutely right.

WOW is dying because it is gigantic, and every expansion, even a successful one like Legion, makes it more and more bloated and ungainly.

97% of the gameā€™s content, experience, world, etc., exists outside each new expansion, but each new expansion is the sole focus, the only thing that matters, the only thing players are expected to do and are routed to, while the rest of the gigantic, bloated body of the game suffers and rots.

Outside of expansion content, nothing is made new or fresh in the base game or the rest of the world, where a massive number of players are experiencing the game. Because thereā€™s such a tremendous amount of old, leftover / unimportant content, players pushing through WOW on alts or for the first time are getting leftovers that have been heated up in the microwave a dozen times. Bland, or outright impossible to consume.

WOW needs to go on a diet. The devs should consider discontinuing TBC/WotLK/Cata, and moving the former two over to classic servers only, and phase out cata. They should probably cut Pandaria out except for panda starting quests too.

The entire world should be completely rebooted to reflect what happened after Legion, and I guess, what happens at the end of BFA. Otherwise, thereā€™s just massive, tumorous amounts of content that serve no purpose and are totally irrelevant to the rest of the game, and each new expansion makes the problem worse.

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You may be correct on some accounts, but there is new gameplay in this expansion. Islands, warfronts, Artwork, Story, etcā€¦ are all new content.

Blizz has made mistakes along the way, and one is that it is too easy to get to max level. Too many players think they have ā€œwonā€ the game and are bored immediately.

They could make new content for the old arreas, give them a graphics boost etc etc and think of all that space that could be used. But they dont . So much of what you say is true. There is all this land to use and its just sitting and rotting while the ā€œnewā€ stiff they do come up with is just meh.

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Iā€™ve wanted to see this for a while. I want a world weā€™ve rebuilt. Half the friggin world is under repairs or in ruins. Iā€™d love to see the efforts of all those NPCs pay off. They still havenā€™t fixed the Exodar yet for Peteā€™s sake. At least have it transformed into a permanent home city without broken walls and floors and smoke rising.

The world needs a revamp, but a positive one this time.


Artwork and story is not really content. And Warfronts and IE are not really new , just reskined previous content / IE were in MOP . WF are just PVE versions of PVP content but watered down . Garrisons were the last new thing they really came up with. Class halls being a version of Garrisons. But everything else in BFA is just rehashed older content

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They need Pet Battlegrounds. You choose a team of 3 battle pets and go into normal BGs and can switch among the 3 every time you die if necessary.

Not enough Dwarven lore.

slams a pint down in front of you

Iā€™ve got yer lore, lad!


IMO WOW is dying because of

  • Recycled content
  • Unfulfilling class specializations
  • Lack of communication between game developers and players
  • Overbearing/Flawed RNG
  • Poor story writing
  • Wasted potential (Warfronts, Islands, Azerite)
  • Lack of player choice and agency
  • Strategically time gated content to milk the customers
  • Warforge/Titanforge
  • Lack of gear vendors
  • No signs of problems being fixed

Bad design choices as a result of the wrong people being in charge.

General loss of interest by gaming community


You are very hard to pleaseā€¦ it would seem! :smiley:

Itā€™s already dead: Activision + Blizzard = $$$


The fact that the game is 14 years old, and in that time they try new things to keep it fresh and sometimes those ideas arenā€™t great. They tried too many new things that fell flat in BFA.

Couple that with the current state of viral outrage culture. A couple years ago if there was something in the game you didnā€™t like you thought ā€˜hmmā€¦ that kinda sucksā€™ and moved now. Now, the same thing happens but then you see a bunch of YouTube videos telling you that itā€™s the worst thing ever, and how could Blizz ā€˜letā€™ that happen. Then you thinkā€¦ eff yaā€¦ how could they do that? and then you make an outrage video and several outrage tweetsā€¦

When that happens, it stops being about a poor implementation of an ill conceived system in a video game and turns into a personal slap in the face by game developers who donā€™t care about the thing you love and are just after your money.

Then people start to believe that thatā€™s realā€¦ but it isnā€™t. Itā€™s all made up.

In ten years people will use the OPā€™s post to prove that the forums said WoW was dying all the way back in 2019.

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