Why is Wow dying ? (In your opinion )

I don’t want to say it but yes I think WoW is dying. This expansion feels rushed and doesn’t seem like it was given time to grow. Every major feature of BFA including warfronts, island expeditions and azerite armor feels rushed out the door without being given proper development time.

If this is the new standard we can expect from Blizzard then yes I think WoW is dying.

Day 1 sales were actually 6.5 months long since they counted pre orders from last January up till launch


Its actually so easy to fool customers with wordplay, they added Nightborne and Lightforged to boost their “day 1” sale too, its pretty much their whole sale.

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why is wow dying?

This forum?

WoW is just paying possum

Bingo but im sure the doomsayers will doomsay regardless.

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The subs might, might be dwindling but that doesn’t mean the game is “dying”. If we define the “death” of the game as being the day they sunset all the official servers and take the game offline forever then I think WoW has another 20 years of profitability left in it. That doesn’t mean they won’t shift into maintenance mode and stop producing major expansions well before that though.

Having said that, I won’t pretend everything is all rosy and good. BfA is an awful expansion and I’m already looking forward to the next one. I have 2 primary reasons for feeling that way, Class Design and Gear Progression.

Class Design is so bad right now. I’ve had to make the decision to bench my beloved Guardian Druid and switch to Prot Warrior for the next raid tier, something I never thought I’d do. Guardian just feels so bad to play right now for me. It’s boring, overly simple, and it honestly makes me feel like I’m being a burden on my raid team. I desperately hope Prot Warrior is at least a little bit better.

As for gear progression, it simply boils down to the fact that it’s far too easy for someone to out-gear their skill level. I’m perfectly happy being a Normal level raider that occasionally dips into Heroic enough to get AotC right at the very end of a raid tier. However with Uldir my entire guild out-geared Normal mode within a couple of weeks. Actually even before we cleared the place most of us weren’t able to get anymore upgrades. This pushed us into Heroic before we were ready skill-wise. You really can’t simply out-gear most Heroic mechanics and trying to is just an exercise in frustration. My raid team almost fell apart because nobody thought it was worth the time to clear Normal mode but at the same time we didn’t want to bang our heads against the wall for 6 hours a week with zero progress.

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You know this how? What if they produce an awesome expansion that brings a ton of players in. Highly unlikely? perhaps, but not impossible.

People have been saying that WoW was dying since as long as I can remember and I started playing APR 07 back in TBC.

I still see quite a few people afking in Boralus waiting for their queue to pop.
I still see quite a few people leveling alts.
Of the people I know that are still playing, no one seems to be complaining.
There is plenty of content to keep folks entertained.
We’ve gotten our first major patch of the expansion with many more planned.
The story is still interesting with plenty of fun new characters to follow. Zekhan, Taelia, Flynn and others.

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You are going to have to provide proof on this one, otherwise you are pulling numbers out of your butt.

I think over time catch up and rewards designed to fill gaps in your gear started to become how you geared.

I think that the old linear system where even dungeons had varying difficulty and rewards offered a more compelling and competitive game play experience then the current grind/luck based system.

Class complexity/simplicity didnt help matters as what was once simple gearing turned into something that needed to be simmed constantly while the classes rotation became simpler.

To me it was a bunch of small things that slowly broke the camels back.


You are seeing players from multiple servers sharded . Notice they all have a * by their name. Even with sharding the game is empty and so are the capital cities. I tried running alts through Warfronts yesterday …every single que took at least 5 minutes to fill and several actually fell apart. More then a few had over 50% just AFK … The new raid will not fix this .

As much as the Blizzard Defense force denies it , WOW is dying. And knowing how Activision is now Forcing Blizzard to produce NEW games rather then waste time on old games, its not impossible for them to just decide that WOW will be sunsetted like HOTS.

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There was no waythis game sold 10 million copies. That would have been all over the Share holder conference call . As it is WOW barely gets mentioned any more. Its time the Fanboys and WOW addicts start realizing their addiction is coming to a end .

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If you think BFA sold 10 million copies, then thats a level of Shilling that is in a league of its own .

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If you listen to the people on the forums wow has been dying since 2005.

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Except the reality is WOW has been dying at a accelerated rate since end of WOTLK. It really shot up with WOD. Putting your head in the sand does not hide the fact that this game is not only losing players and failing to retain them, but the quality of the product is vastly inferior to what we have come to expect from Blizzard . And now that Activision is in control fully , dont count on things getting any better. The game is old. Blizzard is cutting costs and being forced to make mobile games. WOW is on the back burner and the odds of Activision actually putting WOW on maintenance mode is very very high

To bad i don’t understand this made up word you speak about lol shilling sounds very very stupid to me.Sorry but noway in bloody hell it only sold 3.4 millions last time i checked there was weeks and months in a year as well lol shilling what a joke.

The only sales numbers released was 3.4 and they had to PRspin the hell out of that to make it look good. If it had sold well, it would have been used in the shareholder conference calls. This is called the business world and reality. It is quite obvious from your white knighting posts that you choose to ignore it


You forget to say shilling lol im sorry but i don’t care about all that doomsaying your spewing only thing that matter to me is my server and it’s doing fine don’t waste your time replying to me sir not going to reply back at all maybe go to a different game then if you don’t like WoW simple.

Dying, no. Getting older and changing player base, yes!