Why is Wow dying ? (In your opinion )

It’s hard to create satisfaction and meaning when catering to a player base that expects instant gratification.

The game is no longer about slaying dragons and being epic and working together with friends, the game is about getting 5 loot drops a day and trying to raise an artificial number.


In my opinion, it isn’t.

Objection, leading the witness.

The question should be, “In your opinion, what would cause WoW to die?” The way you stated it makes it seem like a fact, when in reality, the game could change over night, and reach 10 million+ subs.

In reality, WoW Is dying just like any other trend ever. Fortunately it’s life has outlived many other things and for many years. I would consider myself an “old school “ player that knew the grind was a real thing and hard work got you the notoriety. Sadly today most games are an insta gratification style. Buy this and be the best, buy this and be further than everyone else.

In short, like everything else ever thought of, WoW is dying. A very slow death but only because of changes in privilege and work ethic

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To me it isn’t dying just this forum has a doom and gloom always wanting it to die.

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Not saying it is dying but if it is I would have to say it is due to Time Played Metric.

If you are using stuff like time played metric and using that to time gate content and give players things in game like flying or new races , you are most likely going to drive them away (some for good others until some kind of catch up mechanic is put in). Where as if engaging content is released on a more consistent time frame say on a monthly basis instead of what is looking like every 3 months and then making class play was more engaging people would more likely to keep playing on a consistent basis.


Timegating content like flying , raids ,allied races. Also they keep redoing classes every expansion. It’s not making classes fresh but more annoying. Rng.

Because the social dynamics of the game have been either outright gutted or merely left to rot, and the streamline gameplay has removed the mystique of the game that gets you hooked in the beginning.

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not dying /10char

WoW patch 10.01 controller


I hope it’ll getting worse when Anthem, Shadowbringer, and Elswyr launch.

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Idk. How do you define dying? Losing players? Yeah, definitely.

I don’t think WoW is “dying,” it’s too dramatic of a word. However, I will say it is on the decline, trying to adapt and keep as many customers as possible for the foreseeable future.

Knowledge of business and game development escapes me, so I can’t really offer any meaningful advice, but if Everquest can be on it’s 25th expansion, I don’t see how WoW can’t last just as long.


Congrats, people have been saying similar things for the last 14 years.

It’s not dying so the question is pointless and inflammatory.

Because people, grew up, grew old, grew bored or whatever and stopped playing and new gamers these days are more interested in playing Fortnite and other styles of games that aren’t MMOs.

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Played since Dec 2004 till fall of 2018. Yes WoW is dying and has been since cata. Takes a long time to lose 12 mill but were almost there


Reason 1.) Ion and Friends are full of bad ideas and amateur quality development.


Don’t understand why you guys are anti-use the word dying. This expansion is the most appropriate time to use said word. Most people say dying as a way to imply that the game is drastically declining. And WoW could last 25 expansions, however it won’t matter if they continue to make decisions that negatively affect the game.

Edit: forgot to add quote