Why is Wow dying ? (In your opinion )

“All that is living was born to die.”
-The Vampire.

Also entropy is the natural state of the universe.

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It’s not dying.

I am clearly doing it wrong because I am paying Blizzard.


This isn’t up to opinion. Whether you like the game right now or don’t, a lot of people are leaving the game and the effects are showing.

Is it dead? No. Is it dying and will continue to do so if ActiBlizzard doesn’t change their design philosphy? Absolutely.


WoW been dying since 2010, Yet here we are.



(Sorry for caps but a message must get through)

It’s absolutely dying.

Poor design choices, having zero communication with the players until the subscription numbers drop to a critically low level, forcing terrible gameplay down the throats of their customers and telling us we’re the reason we don’t enjoy the current state of the game.

If they were like a normal company that back tracks on horrendous design flaws and poorly implemented changes and gave the players what they want instead of using the cop out excuse of “we as the developers liked this idea, and it played well with us so we’re going forward with it” to justify changes, then we could see a comeback.

After this next content patch, we will see where they take 8.2, and if it doesn’t correct a large number of mistakes that we’re still looking at, expect another mass exodus. Just another nail in the coffin and the developers have all the hammers.


100% dying

There was a post on someone who said this. I contacted him in game. Suprise me to all heck. It very true. Once look in on it. Ruined my day. my company was also engaging in this practice.

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When the metrics became more important than than the players.


It is a 15 year old game using a 20 year old rendering engine. Even with updates every expansion, this is the root.

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For me, BFA doesn’t bring anything new to the table and what it does bring that is new isn’t worth your time. I apologize for sounding like a broken record but it really is all the rng for me.

For awhile now I’ve been feeling like things just aren’t worth my time when I log on, so that is why I don’t play like I used to. That and the pruning of all the classes I once loved and now when I log on I just feel “meh”.

It’s not a bad thing …in a way. It just means that time I put aside for WoW can now be put towards other games, like the new soon to be released Kingdom Hearts 3, or finishing the quilt I’ve been working on for over a year now. :smiley:

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that was day 1 sales only. everyone confuses that.

Day 1 sales alone was 3.4 million units sold. there have been no sales updates since then.

https ://www.ign.com/articles/2018/08/23/battle-for-azeroth-is-world-of-warcrafts-fastest-selling-expansion-ever

remove the space in the link

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WoW has never been better

Down voted

600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Times!!!

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I think it is because Blizzard has lost touch with their players. I mean, they seem to have expect Horde players to like being made the villains in their own story.

I think the story is a big part of it. If some the mechanics people complained about had come up in Legion, the could have gotten by it easier. But the whole thing is snowballing.

I think blizzard painted itself into a corner and over simplified the game. It’s not dying but more like sick with multiple chronic afflictions that are getting worst, with them treating the symptoms and not the disease.

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“Many companies forget what it means to make great products. After initial success, sales and marketing people take over and the product people eventually make their way out.”
-Steve Jobs

“This ship isn’t sinking!”
-People on the Titanic


Dying is I think a broad term which is incorrectly associated with what is currently happening.
The issue with WoW in my opinion is an ideology shift that is changing the game from what a lot of us used to appreciate and love about the game in order to cater to a new demographic of players. What Blizzard has failed to take into account however while shifting it’s demographic is that the game (due to it’s life span) has an incredibly arduous gateway to entry. It’s hard to pick up a new demographic of players if you can’t entice them immediately and pull them into the game.

Due to this we see a population slip where more long term players who do not like the games current philosophy are moving away from the game in larger numbers than the new players the game is currently targeted towards are joining (at least long term).

In my opinion Blizzard either needs to embrace the old design of the game and understand that it has a niche that modern day entitlement does not synergise with, or considerably lower the barrier to entry on the game. Ie Not have 120 levels to reach current content, provide more direction to new players on what content is available (there is a lot of things you can do, even if they don’t feel rewarding anymore), and teach players how to succeed within the game.

The game does a poor job of teaching players, which can be fine in some games (as long as visuals direct player learning), but do not line up with their current ideology of being accessible and targeted towards a modern younger demographic.

Also Dendritus’ first comment I think rings quite true.