Why is Warband bank so expensive?

i can’t keep even 1 tab full, but that’s because i actually use what i put in my warbank unlike the hoarders that exist in this playerbase

Blizzard Devs, will never answer that question.

gotta sell wow tokens somehow

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One thing to remember is these are designed around WW gold values not DF gold values. Unlocking the bank is supposed to be a gold sink for the more expensive tiers and a long-term build towards for people without a lot of gold.

You will make more gold in The War Within than in DF, just from the game itself.

I do agree the FIRST tier should’ve been free, just because the base feature shouldn’t have been locked… but…

It’s just a rich tax to try to remove some wow gold from the economy. I do not particularly agree with this approach since it basically penalizes a large portion of the population who will “miss out” on extra convenience. They honestly should have stuck with adding expensive mounts and such as a gold sink instead.

If someone buys tokens for this then wow they are doing it wrong.

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it is just a gold sink, an unnecessary one at that, but yeah

Given its a feature and we all should be able to afford it…shoulda looked more like


So youre accusing…

  • players of being horders if they dont play like you do
  • blizzard of enabling horders for providing five tabs in the first place.

good to know.

Yes. That’s hoarding if you need more than the 550 storage slots per character that is practically free. Per-character storage is still enormous, only the shared space is costly or limited. Because it is a luxury.

Get real, if you decide to craft a DF leather item 9 years from now, it’s not going to be a random tossup of which character will do that. You have one, MAYBE two leatherworkers that have put any skill investment in. And they both have banks and reagent banks to store leather on, it doesn’t need to be in the shared space.

It’s not misses fun police.

Blizzard themselves are telling you to get over your hoarding and try selling stuff for a change.

No they don’t.

Ok, then warbank sizes and costs as implemented are fine.

To sell WoW tokens

Glad I could help

It is to give the appearance of making the game alt friendly without actually doing much of anything.

Again with the token nonsense.

Do you scream about the 65 character limit being ‘p2w’ because you have to buy a second account to store all the junk that you won’t get rid of?

A line on storage has to be drawn somewhere. Your own computer will melt down if it has to keep track of a kajillion inventory slots in memory at all times.

By giving 5 more tabs of storage? that makes no sense. lol.
Theyre clearly just telling RICH players its ok to hoard

Dude…you arent even coherent.
READ THE TITLE HERE AGAIN…its about THE COST of the tabs, lmao

[Why is Warband bank so expensive?]

BLIZZARD is the one who made FIVE MORE TABS of storage here so YOUR argument about hoarding is with THEM ALONE on THAT point.

On OUR end its the COST that is the issue…theyve set it up so RICH players can hoard more now and poor players cant.

Good god I detest this forum with some of you posting in here

Rich players aren’t even filling the wbank, let alone individual character banks, unless they’re storing something on the bet it’ll go up in price later. They store it on their auction mule’s direct inventory and sell it.

yeah…youre going to the ignore list…NOW youre making garbage up you dont have ANY proof for to keep from admitting youre foaming on in here about crap that ISNT your concern.
