Why is Warband bank so expensive?

I don’t think it’s for “gold sink” I’m not sure if that’s a thing in 2024. people are either extremely rich, or average normal poor guys that don’t play a lot.

I never understand the logic behind locking Interface features with Gold. such as Transmogs/Bank tabs/hair cuts… etc these things should be free.

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This is exactly who warbank tabs are for.

It hurt my wallt but I hope I get more tabd soon so far It been heck to get two tab working with pre set ready for earthen

This made me giggle :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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The warbank was announced as means to make playing multiple chars (a lot) easier, not for such. That is what we have the new engineering mount for :wink:

Most likely, they are designed to be a useful in game money sink

I wonder what they do then, when they realize many people don’t even try to buy it, especially if it is people who have enough gold to buy tab 10+ times x)

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They needed to make another AH mount for the whales. this abusive pricing on a GAME FEATURE was just pure sadism.

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I bought the first 3 tabs and I have 720,000ish left.
Id rot in hades before I pay 500k for a bank tab, let alone more lol

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Current Costs

Tab Cost
Tab 1 1,000
Tab 2 25,000
Tab 3 100,000
Tab 4 500,000
Tab 5 2,500,000

The second tab should not cost 25 times more than the first tab, in my humble opinion.

Revised table that makes at least a little bit of sense:

Tab Cost
Tab 1 1,000
Tab 2 2,500
Tab 3 10,000
Tab 4 50,000
Tab 5 250,000

If you fix the jump of the cost from tab 1 to tab 2, the rest of the costs have a logical pattern to them.

This is more of Blizzard snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory.

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To take your gold. Ummm, duh?

Well, that would make way more sense.

Because they think everyone has millions of gold.

Well the game itself is doing that so

INSTEAD ??!!?!

Like, you can still store a truly insane amount of crap without using the wbank. 400 stacks of consumables does not NEED to be in there. You aren’t going use 2 full tabs worth in an entire expansion. Obviously not going to, because ya hoarding it for a rainy day that will never come.

I would bet dollars that part of the wbank limitation IS TO MAKE YOU GET RID OF TRASH. On purpose, and because it’s computationally expensive storage and a guild bank is not. Remember that every time a profession window is opened, that means scanning the character’s bags, bank, reagent bank, and now all the wbank tabs too.

Just get rid of garbage that you’re obviously never going to use. It’s that simple. Sell stuff and you won’t be so broke. Sell stuff so the remainder fits into 2-4 tabs.

Or just make 60 different alt gbanks because there is no limit to the amount of junk you’ll squirrel away.

Nah mate, it’s really not. :wink:

25k is still ridiculously expensive for that first tab. I have that much on a single character, my main.

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25k is the second. First one is 1k. And if you didn’t know it: you only have to pay it on one character and unlock it for all chars.

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Because the auction house goblins farmed up absolutely stupid amounts of gold and ruined it for everyone else that levels crafts on alts

Same reason nothing else is free. It’s an RPG with systems that require you to work toward perks. Same as your main bank and bags and everything else

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Tab 2 is only 25k, if that’s too much for you then there is a hoarding issue. Liquidate your crafting materials and tradeable items, you’ll be surprised how much gold you’re holding onto.

Gold can just buy the things you’re pointlessly holding onto.
