Why is Warband bank so expensive?

its not expensive if you get a job.

Ok, keep whining petulantly about a thing that expands storage options but isn’t completely bottomless until the end of time.

You can’t afford it because you have too much garbage you’re trying to store in it. You’d have more gold if you sold it. You’d have more storage space if you sold it.

Source: me. My 16 million gold sure as hell isn’t getting spent on more empty wbank tabs.

And still you seem to be so bored, you have to come to the forum and try to tell people who don’t play to your standards, that they’re having fun wrong. :wink:

Exasperated about complaints clogging up the forums with very, very easily sidestepped instances of the sky falling.

Not everything is a conspiracy to sell more tokens. Solve it by making better choices.

You’re right…with all those complaints and all those people having different opinions with you, you must be right. I’m sorry, I did miss that. :wink:

I can agree with this.

I just paid 100K for the third tab. I can easily afford them all. It just feels “off” to pay so much for so little.

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same. Im sitting on more than enough to buy more space, but Im sorry…half million is WAY too much for a feature.
They should have made more mounts for gold sinks if they needed more.

I think the correct question is why is there 3 tiers of crafting ingredients, 100 currencies, and other things that justify the use of warband banks.

The simple answer is the wow token. Blizzard makes a lot of money selling those. So the economy and gold syncs are massively important to them. It is not about the convenience, or the 3rd world sweat shops. This is purely about that mtx token. That is why there is a carry channel and legit guilds are becoming less and less. It is also why they made mythic gear harder to obtain this go. Buy those tokens and just pay to win. The new blizzard. Forget the gamers.

You do remember when guild banks came out don’t you? That was a very long time ago when epic flying cost 5k and that was a massive amount that a lot of players couldn’t afford for a while. 40k gold was astronomical at the time.

These days, you can make gold incredibly easy. There are many ways to make a bunch of gold with pretty low time investments. For example, doing the dragon racing world quests for on a single character for 1 month would get you that 25k you need for that bank tab.

Before you start tossing around insults, maybe you should double check what the game economy was like at the time. It’s not that hard.

THe gold cost sucks, but the 2 hour timer sucks even more.

Don’t forget you can also open it from every normal banker

At least there’s that.

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I will call out any of you pumpkin-spiced latte text clowns for commenting in bad faith which is what your homeboy did before you, and what you are doing.

The prices are the prices, you cannot argue the factual prices.

Selling things for astronomical prices now, with an intentionally gutted economy is promoting wow tokens, which is why this game has zero integrity, just like your comment.
You should feel ashamed of yourself for taking the time to open your mouth and pretend otherwise.
But it’s 2024, you’re 12 years old, and your parents didn’t teach you basic decency or humility.
For shame.

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I never denied the prices you gave. I said it’s important to understand what the economy was like at the time, which it is. Why would I need to be ashamed for pointing out that people currently earn 100x as much gold as we used to make back then?

The fact that something like that matters is just common sense. Remember back in vanilla when 1k gold for an epic mount was a crazy amount of gold? Now you can earn that from a single world quest.

Economies and gold scaling changes over time. That’s a fact. I don’t know how that could be controversial.


It’s a gold sink, they know you already have 3 guild banks alts and dont actually need anything past the first tab in the warbank.

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Because you’re trying to buy too many tabs.

You’re beating a dead horse about wow tokens here.
I’m over orange-text ignorance from last week and am quite busy now.
I will say guilds payed for guild tabs, not individuals, just more proof you’re being a deceitful squirt instead of espousing anything reasonable.
Take off for good this time, please. Sending me more unwanted notifications at this point is purely harassment and nothing more.

And you’re reaping all the benefits of that.

I’m sorry that you’re struggling to understand that gold scaling matters and affects the prices of things in game over the year. That was all I brought up as a point. If you can’t understand something that simple, I don’t know what to tell you.

I never brought up WoW tokens at all, so I’m unsure how I’m beating a dead horse about that. I’m curious about the logic behind the olympic level jump to conclusion, but I doubt there’s a decent reason behind that. But sure, you’re the reasonable one.

Also how am I sending unwanted notifications but replying to replies that you send me? You’re the one that instigated this conversation in the first place, remember? You can always just drop it if you like since it’s clear that you’re missing the point.

she/they/them/xhem continues to print deceitful comments to harass me.
That’s your orange-text, folks. Class acts.