Why is Warband bank so expensive?

I dont understand why this bank feature for your alts isn’t just free. I dont understand why they even make you pay to use this feature that they added for your alts. Even if there should be some cost to this i dont understand why the price shoots up so much per tab? its crazy. I dont do much to make money in this game. I only raid and usually end up spending money on consumables for said raid. This is just me being poor checked by blizzard.


I believe it’s designed as a gold sink at the higher end, but the lower tiers are relatively cheap. The same goes for the guild bank tabs that we used to have to purchase if I remember correctly.

I’ve been traveling for the last month or so, so things might have changed since then, but the early tabs were cheap when I saw the initial prices.


im already being poor checked by tab 2.


Because Blizz had the idea to use it as a gold sink. Which won’t work, since even a lot of the rich players prefer the cheaper bank chars with guild bank for it.

Just buy 1 or 2 of the tabs and add a char with a guild bank if you need more space. :slight_smile:


Convenience of not having to be in a guild to use guild storage features. Most of my alts are either in my raiding guild or personal bank guild. This gives me a second option where it doesn’t matter where my characters are they all have access.

Hey look at this more threads about the thing I been talking about so long.

Its an abysmal gold sink target, it is ridiculous.

It shouldn’t be free necessarily, I have been advocating for reasonable and achievable prices for those tabs.


Yeah, but actually for most people, including a lot who can afford it, the convenience the last 2 tabs give you doesn’t outweigh the cost. :slight_smile:

I could easily afford 4 tabs. And for the current prices I’ll probably never buy more than 2. I currently do own 1.

Blizz would probably take more gold out of the system if they would be like 250k to 350k for all tabs together, because the acceptance of the pricing would be much higher.


If anything it should cost more. There hasn’t been anything to spend gold on in this game since brontosaur. Convenience has never been free in this game nor should it. I would buy another 3 bank tabs at the same pricing structure if possible.


this person is a member of the upper class and wants to keep poor people like me from owning tabs.


I don’t think you understand what makes a good gold sink if you think this is the system that should cost more instead of less


If you would make it even more expensive in the end nobody will buy it anymore. That would be some effective gold sink. x)

I just find it tilting that I have almost 2 of every class and i cant buy tabs cause blizzard is poor checking me.


Honestly, if I had the option to pay 20 million gold to RAISE the prices of everyone else’s wardband bank by 1k per tab, I would be going in on that INSTANTLY. Gold just has no value in this game its way too plentiful.


Well, you’re pretty much alone with that opinion.


I’m more perturbed that the game won’t pull mats out of the warband bank when you craft.


But it does.

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It does not.

It does that already since way before it was released with the pre-patch. I did test that on beta already.

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I was crafting Elemental Harmonies and Primal Convergents today and had to go and take the mats out of the warband bank in order to craft with them.

Then it might be a (temporary) problem. For me it does work without any trouble.
I did heard it has problems with workorders though. But I guess that is a bug.