Why is Warband bank so expensive?

That’s all you’ve got? I’m going back to reading, you are both entitled AND unimaginative. I suppose grats. Good luck on your whining to bliz that you are fake money broke. I’m sure it will go over well.

P.S. You seem to have something wrong with your eye, unless you are a pirate. I would have that checked out.

You do realize, that you did argue on the same low level, right? You did even start it. I only did turn it around towards you.

PS: I’m not broke ingame, but thanks for the “concern” :wink:

Not sure why we are resorting to personal attacks tbh.

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Gold sink

While I would’ve wrote something different than Kneeshooter, calling an “idea” “Dumb” is not the same as calling you “dumb”. It is not really a personal attack.
Calling people entitled because they have a different view on the other hand…

Anyways, even the smartest people can have “dump”, “stupid” or even completely “idiotic” ideas. Pointing that out hardly counts as a personal attack. And to be honest, nicely speaking: I also think your idea was far away from being a good one.

i dont understand the people saying “oh you dont need those tabs”

  1. you dont know that.
  2. this was suppose to be a brand new feature for us alt enjoyers not a gold sink.

its stupid.

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Hold up, I’m hearing you out…

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Pretty easy, they don’t need them and think they need to reflect that on others. Think about it, you might have fun the wrong way.


And while I don’t wanna point fingers, there are always also people who can afford it and prefer such things to be exclusive to them. Somehow some people think if your’re “ingame rich”, you should have things others can’t have, like in real life.
And before people now think I meant them in particular, I had no one special in mind. It’s just an observation from past threads.

I already am down bad poor irl. i dont need the negatives of real life in this game.

I do think that the prices are higher than they should be. They’re something I can afford, but likely won’t ever spend all of the gold on.

Personally speaking, I try to keep the bulk of my bags, both on my character and in my bank, empty. I put the reagents to use or I sell them/put them in the guild bank if I’m realistically never going to use them. Same goes for the bulk of what I have in the bank. If I feel I’m truly going to need or use items, I’ll keep it. Otherwise, it gets dumped.

I realize some people have 20+ toons (or more) and need the space. I also believe many people hoard items they don’t actually need as well.

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I currently have 3 tabs and that’s only because I want to sort my items by type of items. I don’t see myself needing those last 2 tabs tbh.

That said, I do agree that it would have been nice to have all the tabs at like half the price.

We can think people’s ideas and opinions are dumb, and we frequently do in one way or another. Would you prefer if I’d used the words “Silliest Idea of the Day” or “The Idea I Least Agree With of the Day”.

Comes to the same thing - a comment on an opinion, not on a person.

I’ll be one of the odd ones out here. I like the idea of the price of the tabs. The average player should be able to buy at minimum the first tab and potentially up to the third.

Is it a gold sink? Yes.
Does it have more features thank a GBank/Char Bank? Yes
Can you eventually buy all 5 tabs? Yes

Having all the tabs is more something to work towards if you really need it, not a necessity. (Unless you’re just using it for extra storage cause you filled your char bank and a guild bank. Then that is a player problem)

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The WoW token does not cause inflation because it does not add any new gold into the economy, it’s moving it from one player to another at a 1 to 1 rate.

That is the most stupid comment.

Since people are extra farming gold from world quests, etc, etc, it actually does affect the inflation. WoW tokens do incentivize gold farming heavily.

It used to be in past the last two tabs were really expensive. I haven’t bought in years so idk what they go for now.

yea, idk- I use to flip guild banks, was easy money baby

Might as well get rid of silver n copper since it’s barely used.