And exactly there I do disagree hard. Those 2 I mentioned are i.e. what you need for goblin gliders. And there are other things like i.e. infernal brimstone, felhide, leystone and felslate, which you need for crafting the “Fel Core Hound Harness”, if you like me have the recipe.
There are quite a lot of old mats which still make sense to keep if you have crafters with the fitting recipes and yes, also when you don’t imminently going to use. It might be the way you did choose to use the warbank, but it doesn’t mean it is the right way to use it for everybody
Also in my eyes all useables you share between your chars belong in there. Food, potions, flasks, etc. Same goes for gear token and other warbound items. The warbank is the perfect place to store those, I mean it would be, if blizz wouldn’t have put such a ridiculous price tag on it.
Blizz did announce the whole warband feature as “hey we finally make playing multiple chars easy”. The warbank is part of that. The pricetag of some tabs not only makes them completely unappealing, it also stays in the way for the warbank to be really useful. It’s not useless with 1 or 2 tabs, but with all tabs it would really shows its potential.
You still have to click for every item you put into the AH. The times when you where basically clicking 2 buttons to use TSM are gone for years.
If TSM is botting, so is auctioneer, auctionator and every other AH addon.
But Blizzard is clearly allowing the use of AH addons, so no botting.
But hey, let’s continue If Addons which help you calculate a price for the AH and make it (slightly!) more convenient to put items into the AH should be forbidden. What about DBM. That one makes boss encounter way more convenient by telling all the things you’re supposed to realize on your own. So that must be forbidden as well. Same goes for GTFO.
Or what about rarescanner…how dare you make it easier to find those rares without searching on your own. Clearly needs to be forbidden.
TDscript lets you automate pet battles. You enter in a sequence (provided by another player via a web site) and your pets execute those commands in the intended sequence.
You just have to press any key, each time. Or you can wander around your house with a wireless mouse just clicking away without even seeing your computer, makes no difference.
It’s how most serious pet battlers do their pet battling, since pet battles are so mind-numbingly boring.
That at least really sounds like botting to me o.O
Oh and don’t get me wrong with TSM. I remember the time when adding auctions was a 2 click thing. 1 for scan and 1 for it to start adding all auctions.
Not it is 1 for scan and 1 for each item. You’re posting 3 different mats? you click 3 times on the post item button, etc.
tf kind of comment is this?
Guild bank tabs cost less than 40k gold for all of them.
The 2nd tab for Warbanks is TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND (25,000) gold and it skyrockets from there…
If all it takes to get pumpkin-spice text around here is opening your beak when you have no idea what you’re talking about, I’m surprised it’s not a lot more common.