Why is Warband bank so expensive?

As @Akariliselle said, it’s a gold sink. If you just want to pass things between alts you only need one or two tabs unlocked, which is relatively cheap. If you want yet more storage, well that’s apparently worthy of a gold-sink in Blizzard’s view (like the 5M gold Brutosaur AH mount and the 2M gold spider mount from Legion).

right but those other 2 gold sinks have prestige involved. paying more gold than I’ve ever had in all of wow put together for bank space = lolsink, where i just store all my lols

I believe, that if you use the warband for only current content, then the first tab will be plenty.

Be careful. It eats items.

Yeah, I’m not saying it makes sense and it easily could’ve been matched the Guild Bank tab prices to “make more sense” than it does, but it clearly seems to be Blizzard’s view that “extra Warbank storage = goldsink.”

As others have pointed out, if you can somehow make your own guild on an alt (get 5 friends to sign the charter), there’s a cheaper alternative for storage than the Warbank tabs, so that alternative makes this an ineffective goldsink. As you say, something with prestige (typically a mount with added functionality) makes for a good goldsink so I think they missed the mark here.

Maybe they’ll fix the pricing and maybe they’ll just let it stand as they dig their heels in (seen that before!).

I don’t even think it’s a gold sink. It’s checking, “Are you sure you really need to keep that?”

There is no upper limit to the amount of garbage players will try to hold on to. That’s self-reinforcing too, nobody is going to dig through hundreds and thousands of inventory slots to see what they have and what could be crafted with it. It becomes a place to permanently dump everything and forget about all of it.

If 2-3 tabs isn’t enough then 20-30 won’t be enough either.

Look the game police is back, telling people how they should play. :wink:

Again: it is non of your business how others play. You’re not happy with how they play? deal with it, others are not happy with how you play. :open_mouth:

You don´t seem to understand the main feature of the Warbank…

It´s not for storing items that you trade between your chars, we have guild banks for that since years.

It´s about crafting in your Warband, as that does not work with guild banks. You load all the reagents into your warbank and can start crafting without having to mail stuff to each char, keeping a list of where is what.

And for this, two or three tabs are not sufficent!

I am just having the Vanilla reagents and some TBC on mine and the tabs are full… If you have more than two professions, you will run into problems.

The Warbank tabs should be tied to achievements and not gold.

I think you don’t understand a few things. The warbank (aka warband bank) as part of the whole warband feature is there to make playing multiple chars easier and while one part of it is, to be able to craft with the mats in there accountwide, another is to store items you use with all your chars, like usables, gear token, etc.

Guild banks are actually meant for guilds, no matter how we currently use them.

Like I said in my post you replied to, I have one tab for relevant crafting mats. I am well aware of the features of the tab. Stop putting junk materials in your warbank, you certainly don’t need 3 tabs of materials.

Its meant to be a long term investment and because the way it works with every single toon you have. Also the way the economy is now days in WoW where I would say the vast majority of player hold well over 4 million in gold across all their toons when combined easily. Its not an issue.

And you stop telling people what is junk and what not. Or are you the fun police who’s here to tell people how to have fun?

It sounds like they aren’t having fun. The solution is to put the stuff they don’t frequently use, their junk, in normal storage. Then your warbank has plenty of space for things you actually need and you can have fun. You’re welcome. I wouldn’t call myself the “police” on this, but I’m glad to help.


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Only because something is junk in your eyes, it doesn’t mean it is really junk. :person_shrugging:

i.e. would you call “true iron ore” or “sumptuous fur” junk?

I have up to 200 auctions going at one time and I am not a botter. You idea has no merit as it affects everyone, same as the warband bank tabs .( Which I think are reasonably priced- you pay for convenience)

When you create a storage system that allows materials to be stored and drawn from to craft or make across all your account, then the ideal scenario is that its big enough to carry all the materials you need, not just the stuff from the current expansion.

Some people make old, classic or rare transmog, which requires materials from multiple expansions across multiple professions. The warbank idea is ideal for that; ESO has a similar system which allows players to collect materials that are automatically funnelled into a bottomless reagent storage that can be drawn on at any time to create things. If a game like ESO can manage that, then Blizzard could do it with even greater ease.

The fact that they manage to make the limited set of guild-sized tabs only, and charge like a wounded bull for some of them, is puzzling and to many people, frustrating.

While you may see it as ‘junk’ not everyone is on the same page as you.

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Well then, prove your statement and send me 20 million gold.

Are you actively crafting with it on a regular basis? If yes, it’s not junk. If no, then it’s junk. It’s not hard. You don’t need to keep stuff you aren’t imminently going to use in your warbank, it’s not a depository for all the things ever. Use it for what you are currently using or sharing. Objectively you can get by with 1 or 2 tabs.

Must be a lot of work!