Why is Warband bank so expensive?

I guess at this point we all know how super rich you are. No need to keep providing further proof.


Attempting to sell stuff helps keep the AH economy alive. Hoarding it forever does not.

Selling things is also how others have gold to buy those tabs, while Xeno is buying tokens instead. It would solve multiple problems at once AND reduce the player dissatisfaction at buying gold.

So yeah, the push to engage in the game economy is the right move.

Those tokens aren’t going to sell themselves!


I do not see a reason to purchase more than two tabs at present. Right now there is nothing in either tab. I use the Warbank to pass bags and gold to characters in other realms. What gear I may receive throughout future content will be removed by the alt that needs the gear or materials.

And you have the internal statistics to back up this claim? You also gotta remember Tokens are a big revenue source for blizz especially during the world first rushes. So sinks are important for them.

Just give it time and they’ll drop the price. Maybe not this expansion but it will drop eventually. Until then think of it as you not having all of the space but as you have more space than you did before when it wasn’t a thing.

HA! I filled my first 3 immediately. I’m already eyeballing tab 4.


Same. I don’t get why they can’t just make an account wide ‘crafting bag’ for all mats. I mean come on even SWTOR has one. It’s been 20 years Blizzard

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What’s worse, if you drop vendor currency (like bones or jaws) it will tell you if you have enough, but it won’t let you spend them out of the Warbank. You need to go withdraw them and bring them to a vendor to spend them.

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:woman_facepalming: Of course. Typical Blizzard fashion. Some things don’t ever change.

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Yep, this is what I’ll be doing going forward. I would put money into a moderate gold sink but one that completely wipes me out, I am not even going to use.

Yes, good sinks. This is not one of those.

Because it’s a long term goal and gold sink. Not unlike the Legacy bank in SWTOR.

Pool all of your gold into the Warbank and go from there.

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It does, I’ve done it.

Selling something here and there is one thing, but always sell everything instead of keeping it for what you wanna do with it, might be good for those buying it and those selling it back to you since you don’t have it anymore when you need it, since you sold it earlier, buy for sure it’s not always in the best interest of the person you push to sell it. So yeah, if he or she wanna keep things, it might make sense to them even if you don’t want it. :wink:


Not sure what you mean, but you do realize a guild bank with 6 tabs + bags for the personal bank of the bank char + the reagent bank + bags for the inventory of the bank char is still less than half the prize of tab 2 of the warbank, while offering more than 1k slots?

  1. Game needs more gold sinks to fight inflation
  2. Server space isn’t free

But that’s not what happens with hoarders. They will NEVER craft with it and just sit on it forever. Look how many wbank complaint posts had screenshots of actual vendor trash in them. Get mats into circulation, especially the ones that are hard to find, and all the common stuff can be vendored and cleaned out for good.

Not to mention the natural knock-on effect of making tabs cheap: In a matter of months players will be clamoring for even more wbank slots to hold all their worthless junk. Neverending more and more as they store all those R1 hochenblume stacks and salt and bleach and thread and weird stuff that only ever had a handful of uses like primordial saronite.


Blizzard came into this, clearly, for the people who have like 60 alts, who would theoretically be able to afford all the tabs if funds were all pooled. I actually managed to unlock the first three tabs pretty quickly.

I laugh at this idea that blizzard is fighting inflation when they are directly responsible for it via the various in game systems and the wow token.


Fails for me, poorchecked.

I don’t see the benefit of even more than 1 tab, as anything that would go in there could be shuttled to my relevant alt immediately. Seems like edge case for cross server/faction stuff?

If the necessity rears its head I hope it’s something affordable, but otherwise it will just limit how I play w/alts so not so much a gold sink as a sort of F2P-style limiter to convenience that I never cared about before.

If they’re leaning hard on the content being slim so replay it on a gorillion alts so you make a gorillion gold to spend on… bank space? that would be a bit annoying since I tend to focus on one character