Why is Warband bank so expensive?

I’m sure they’ll fix it right after they solve Dungeon Diplomat and all the other achievements spamming everyone each time a character logs in.

So probably never.

Gold sink. It’s good to use it for your warband gear and crafting mats, but everything else can be stored using personal banker alts, imo

It’s a stupid gold sink.

A real gold sink would be something like “each item you simultaneously have on the AH doubled the AH %% cut”.

Go after the AH botters.


A real gold sink wouldn’t have alternatives 160 to 650 times cheaper ^^

Yeah. Stop price checking poor people with a feature that is suppose to be used by basically all of your characters when they can price check things that only the mega rich can get anyway like that AH mount.


AH mount is not a price check. I could buy everyone in this thread and my guild a brontosaur at bmah prices and still buy all the warband bank tabs afterwards. If you don’t have gold at this point in the game you really just aren’t trying.


Thing is the AH mount was still a better sink since it didn’t prevent basic access to basic systems, it was just extra convenience on top

Warbank is straight up prohibitive


Congrats you are rich, woohoo :tada:

Happy for you, sorry you are bored about the gold in the game, most people can’t even afford 3 tabs of that warbank, so how does your experience and wish for higher prices helps the vast majority of the player base who isn’t you

Edit did you also just join the forum on that char to troll people on this thread just now?


Don’t use it right now though, there’s an issue with stuff disappearing from it.

I don’t disagree. Blizzard has been REALLY REALLY wild with their accessibility with storage in ALL their games. Diablo games which are all about finding items to min/max has such a stupid system that if I start discussing it now, I’ll get ragey at wasting my money on D4


Probably just one of the usuals and only switched the char.

Hot take, but if you aren’t making enough gold to afford all the tabs you probably don’t NEED all the tabs. Just like every other gold sink in the game, you don’t NEED it. It’s just an added convenience or cool thing if you happen to have the gold to spend.


Absolutely this.
Try selling some of the crap you’re packing in there instead of saving for the end of time. Then you’d have more gold and no longer need the most expensive tabs, making you even more gold.

This is meant to be a feature to use between your characters. It is not and should not be used as a gold sink. also thanks mom for telling me what i should do with my stuff. real helpful advice. also i have over 30 characters and having only 1-2 tabs tops is not enough for this feature to help alts.


Girlie I’m character capped at 65 and using the wbank to shuffle prepatch gear and tier tokens around a bunch of them. The difference: I got rid of all mats that didn’t fit on the first tab, with enough room left for TWW mats.

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I honestly don’t ever have more than 300k gold. I got two bank tabs.

i literally have to end up buying 1 token every few months because i only lose gold buying raid consumables instead of or gaining any gold. 300k just to have is a luxury.


The first two tabs are basically free and that’s all you really need to make use of the feature, which is largely just to share specific items between characters instead of using mail. I have one tab for warbound gear and one tab for relevant crafting mats, and that’s all I feel I need. I had 100k gold earlier, I spent it on heirloom upgrades instead because I don’t see the point of spending it on more shared tabs when I have so much personal storage on each individual character. Don’t fill your warband bank with garbage.

Total BS. You can have a ton of toons and mats, etc without making a lot of gold.

Everybody plays different and every playstyle matters same like the one you did choose. :wink:

I totally agree with Xenophontes here.

If I would buy 5 Tabs, my take on them would be:
Tab 4 + 5 => Mats (new ones and those old ones I need for things like goblin gliders, etc)
Tab 2 => consumables (food, potions, flasks, goblin gliders, drums, etc)
Tab 3 => consumables that didn’t fit into tab 2 + gear token + warbound gear
Tab 1 => space for exchanging things between chars + bank chars, etc + space for things that I didn’t list, but might still come, etc, etc

And yes, not every single slot in every tab will be filled for organisational purposes, but that’s no different from how most people use bankspace in WoW.

So filling up 5 tabs only with things you might need for your twinks is pretty easy to do without it resulting in hoarding is not an illusion. And it would make sense.
But with the current pricetag? Haha, no way I even buy the 4th tab, probably not even the third. Even though I could easily afford 4.

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