Why is Warband bank so expensive?

Yeah. Bank tabs for guilds got astronomically more expensive, the more you added. The warband bank tabs have a very similar vibe.
It was nice to have the money to buy four warbank tabs, although I did balk at the cost of the 5th. (I have it, just not willing to spend it.) But then, I go to some effort to make bank when it’s possible in-game. Hit the world quests that offer decent gold, sell what I can on the AH, etc. It adds up after a while.

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Not really expensive when you look at big picture. I mean alot of us in early access have already pulled in 5-8million gold already on mats and other things.

Average casual nets about 500K gold per week in DF it will be even more in TWW.

It does seem to pull some mats out of the warbank, but it’s pretty inconsistent. I noticed, when doing some minimal leveling of my main’s TWW alchemy that sometimes it did. The system doesn’t seem to have a consistent way of prioritizing which stash to draw from first, second, etc.
Hadn’t paid attention to see if the same thing happened with non-TWW mats. Just happened to notice the erratic issues with TWW herbs.

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Blizz hasn’t updated their F2P/Free Trial/Starter Account article in 2 months, and I have to wait until Sep 24 before I can test out if F2P/Free Trial/Starter Account have access to the Warband Banks. Seeing as how the first payout for it is 1kg, and F2P/Free Trial/Starter Account gold cap is at 1kg…IDK LOL

I think it is a gold sink for gold goblins…

100k for a bank tab is too much.
No, the last 2 ones not worth even mentioning.

Then let’s make a quick comparison. To make it easier, let’s only compare the tab with the lowest price with the one with the highest price. And just to be sure, let’s compare the price of the cheapest tab with the total cost.


Tab #1: 100g
Tab #8: 20,000g
Total cost: 39,350g

So Tab #8 costs 200 times the initial price, while the total cost is 393.5 times the initial price.


Tab #1: 1,000g
Tab #5: 2,500,000g

Tab #5 costs 2,500 times the initial price, while the total cost is 3,126 times the initial price.


Compared with the astronomical price increase in the warbank, the one at the guild bank is really kinda low. Especially considering, the guild bank has 3 more tabs than the warbank.

If Blizz would’ve made the price increase same like on the guild bank for the total cost, it would make way more sense. Total cost would be 393,500g.

In your triumphant rush to be Always Correct, you forgot to take inflation into account. When I set up the first of my private guild bank toons (I ended up with three), that was a LOT of money for me. The numbers may be different, but the feel is about the same.

Thank eff I don’t need a 5th warbank tab, because 2.5 million is beyond my personal limit, especially when I have the fully equipped personal banks of 52 toons, and the three multi-tab private guild banks.

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Check again, I didn’t. I wasn’t directly comparing gold values at all. I was comparing both of their price curves. (not sure if that is the correct term in English, but I guess you’ll understand what I mean)

It is never ever enough for these people.

The very same day Blizzard added a slew of new character customization options, people were whining for more, more, more.

They could be mailed top tier raid gear and they would be complaining about not being give ten different colors.

No one wants to take the time to earn anything, they just want it all! right now! on as silver platter! served by half-naked dancing boys! (oh, wait, that last part might just be me :grin: ).

It’s like entitlement has become a competitive sport.

Seriously though, it’s getting gross. All the people whining about EA and then about when the new race comes out. Like WANT WANT WANT. TAKE TAKE TAKE. It seems like children have taken over WoW, but I bet you they are all grown adults.

Omg this. I mentioned that the 3rd warband tab at 100k gold was a joke and got immediately gaslit in-game by two hardcores. I never said I didn’t want warband bank I use it constantly, but 3rd tab 100k gold come on.

Rather I DID use it constantly for the first week, but it’s jam packed. I also have a side alt guild for mats, but point being, everything is crammed full. So back to using my own characters reagent bank tabs to store most mats. If I am looking for herbs or ore, I know which alt probably has them. It’s a problem of a 20 year old game, i get it. But 100k gold warband tab get out of here with that gold grab.

The more he talks like this, the more i’m convinced he’s a 12yo with about 1,500 gold between all his characters combined.

I can stand all the personal attacks. I can stand for all the hilariously wrong opinions on economy in this thread. I can stand the laziness and lack of motivation of some posters here.

Calling me poor is over the line.