WHy is this taking so long

Is for me, and the rest of the peoples on the bottom of the planet. Its 8.16am Wednesday here (we are ahead of you in so many ways) and I’m having myfirst coffee of the day and contemplating housework I didnt complete last night.

To answer the topic title: It takes as long as it needs to take. :sunglasses:

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a watched pot never boils.


Gotta prepare the hamsters or replace them.


I have one hand, deaf, and suffered brain damage from 27 years in service. Yea, some of us try hard and seldom discuss our foibles but yeah, it takes some people longer to do simple tasks.

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The old tech is still the best tech. I’ve had WOW on an HDD for 17yrs and I have had no issues. Probably because I have just WOW and Diablo on it.


ahahahahahahahaa, funny and epic!

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So according to this logic, they could provide thirty minutes of available server time (ever) and that’s okay and fully in compliance with ‘the contract’. :laughing:

It’s Tuesday night….game night , Ive got my bag of double stuff Golden Oreos and a gallon of milk ready to go….but no WoW to play. :cry:

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Yes I know it wasn’t for long. I don’t know how long it lasted, but I do know I had several characters on pvp and normal servers. I rarely leveled them to max. I did hop to several mainly because a few were either full or close to it which made my pc struggle. After awhile I just waited out the downtime.

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Just passing through to say FANTASTIC mog. You look like one of those She-Ra Princess of Power gal-pal figures my sister had when we were kids.

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I feel it. its 4pm in Arizona… will this be an endorphin rush in 1 hour… i don;lt know because i don;t know what time it is in the pacific date time… Arizona has no gub’ment mandated forced time changes. we du wut we wunt! MURICA!

Less then 50 mins now…


Or so you think

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo, get the behind me, Nurgle

This is what happens when most of your experience employees leave.

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As written in “Things I Made Up on the Spot, volume 16”.

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wow, i really like that name… for real!