WHy is this taking so long

It feels really weird cause I know a lot about the progression of tech when I was younger from the late 90s to the late 2000s.

but in the last 10 years? I’m more like “uhh… my smart phone specs got higher and yet it runs slower?”.

I guess we have real time ray tracing now, which is impressive on a technical level even if it doesn’t always look much better than standard lightning tricks in games.

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Yeah, same. The growth is so embedded in our culture that it’s not easily identifiable (for me) as stand alone tech.

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I hear you. I’ve gone from updating my old rigs with SIPP memory modules or cranking up the horsepower with a 387 math co-processor and building my own computers. Now, there is just too much to track in terms of matching motherboards, RAM stats, CPUs, cooling options, case design and trying to future proof them as in Win11 security requirements. Too much for this geezer any more.

Fortunately, there is a really good local shop and I’ve had them build according to my specs and needs with no regrets.


<<<<<Punch card baby…took classes in HS in 1970’s


All of those I buy when they are 98% off or so with good intentions…

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I think especially in hardware as well the rate of progression has slowed down. Computers need exponential increases in hardware to see the jumps that we used to see.

If we look at something like gaming I don’t think we’re ever gonna see the jump we saw from the 5th(PS1/N64) to 6th(PS2/Xbox/GC) console generations in the late 90s again. Not until something drastic happens in the way our technology fundamentally works.

On a software level I’ve had to keep up with some stuff as a software engineer. A lot of people are gushing about AI right now which is just machine learning rebranded, but at least at the moment the code that ChatGPT spits out is so bad it would take me less time just to write it myself rather than fix all of its’ mistakes.

I know there’s controversy around the art generators, but they are kind of useful for my D&D games if I need a quick token for a NPC.

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The real game isnt even out for 2 months LOL…

Today is literally nothing. 9/17 is the real date

I remember back when my main server went down for maintenance we could go to another server (battlegroup I think, correct me if Im wrong) and level up a character or mess around until our server was back up. I was almost glad when they took them all down at once for maintenance. Stopped me hopping around making new characters. Deleted quite a few characters as well.
I did make a lot of new friends though. That was a plus.

Btw even if they do maintenance at 1 am someone else would be inconvenienced.
Anyway it’s only down for an hour usually. Sometimes it’s up quicker than what was posted.

Be glad it’s not like back in the day. I’m glad I missed those. Wrath had some delays and long maintenance days, but nothing like before.

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Back when Windows used to actually work properly.

Chocolate almost always has cockroaches in it and it’s high in oxalates. I’ll pass.

But, I bet they taste amazing if you’re not health conscious

They only tried that a few times back in the day…doing that caused many issues for realms that were not down…

I still pick all the parts for my PC but then pay to have it assembled at the parts store I buy it all from.

I’m already spending thousands of dollars, so like $50 more is negligible and I don’t care too much about putting it together myself. I did that a few times in college as part of my courses on hardware(and my friend wanted a PC rebuilt around that time).

Windows started becoming significantly worse once Microsoft started letting people update to new versions for free.

Which is definitely not a coincidence.

If I’m eating a snickers I ain’t doing it for my health.


it’s a big patch day. pre patch… of course it’s long lol been like this always.

Undoubtedly there are database changes. Migrating data and conversions can take a long time. They will need to check to be double sure they didn’t make mistakes. Game changes need to be tested on live. Live and test are never identical. Perhaps a tweak was made and wasn’t documented, and its effect on a patch is thus an unknown unknown. The list goes on.

What does matter is that when a release of new content occurs, it better work the first time. When was the last time you felt grateful for something that you simply expect to work (Aside: you would think that a priest is responsible for ressing, but often they don’t and … pisses us off… so you are grateful when it happens and say ty…projecting here hehe).

You will remember a patch that screwed the game up, and people will bellyache about it for weeks and some freaks will remember for years. Thankless lil beotches we are~!

This is so far from the truth. It is almost like your employer saying I pay for the month, yet you take days offf.

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indie company.

Microsoft is an indie company.

WEQL certification i rekon…sort of like the Crowdstrike application running in kernal mode with on the fly edit.

It takes you 3 days to… organize a bank?
I’m not really sure what management you think the Warbands need lol

They are loading the texture Full HD , hence the time

Maintenance should be done in the AM’s. They do it that way for the EU servers and it works perfectly.
But yeah, the people who complain about not getting their months were are just absurd. It’s a few cents an hour if you break it down and yeah, if you were paid by the hour but then saw -2 minutes went to the bathroom, -30seconds took a drink, you’d be flabbergasted to say the least.