WHy is this taking so long

I don’t know what you’re talking about, this is what peak UI performance looks like:


I “grew up” on windows 3.1. I used to like following the march of technological progress, but that, too, has become elevator music in the daily grind of life.

Hmm, that morphed into a bit more Morissey than I had intended

Sab’s knows what’s up. Running my Microsoft Flight Sim 3.0

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Only three days?!? I’m no longer going to even play the game and spend all my time staring at the warbands log in screen!

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You could run minesweeper and calc at same time? and solitaire? Did you have like 4 megs of ram?

Windows 95 was like witchcraft when you started computers on DOS.

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I only have vague memories of 3.1 since I was born in '89. It wasn’t long before we moved to Windows 95.

Which as I was young enough to not dig into back end stuff and the UIs are similar enough Windows 95, 98, and 2000 are basically the same OS to me.

XP was great. Everything after that was a mistake.

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And I now have my next toon name!

have some drinks before maint is over and you’ll even have a better time with warbands when you log in! I’m just sad I missed AoTC fyrakk because I was told he doesn’t drop any guaranteed mount skin … and that it’s just chance. Looks like I was lied to. son of a …

Could have gotten a free run so easily and I didn’t do it…

DOS? Try punch cards (batched.)

Just make sure not to get them out of order.

Born ‘83, and my dad is an EE we had computers and stuff all over.

Heck, we had vintage calculators laying around and I was using this thing into high school for funsies (lol I was not a math major/limited AP math courses…)

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I have one of these in my closet. Haven’t used the poor thing in years.

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The amazing thing is that you can buy a calculator with dozens more functions for $15.

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Wisdom for the ages.

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True, but during standardized testing when the proctor asked to make sure you weren’t using a graphing calculator loved showing them OG tech

Arithmetic hasn’t changed much, and I wasn’t doing differential calculus or something where you needed bigger display, better mem etc

After Clousdrtrke, this patch will be nothing.

And the fact that we put humans into translunar orbits with less computing technology than we have in smart phones is so cool to me


My dad was a tech, so we also had lots of computers laying around. I remember when we got a computer with a hard drive of 1GB and I was like “there is no way I’m gonna fill this whole thing up”.

In high school I went into the higher level of math cause I wanted to go into programming in college, and they required specifically a graphing calculator. Pretty much everybody had the TI-85.

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I think I had 86 or 89? I liked using the “classic” model as my daily driver, though :upside_down_face:

And that’s awesome that you had a similar set up, getting to see new tech.

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