WHy is this taking so long

I might be misremembering but it was either after an expansion launch or in response to a ddos. Barely what I’d call scheduled, except they were deliberately taken off line.

Never heard of it. And thats another thing, we now have time the watch the first 2 episodes of shows we never have time to watch, of the hundreds of shows available. I haven’t even finished season 6 of Rick and Morty. We are certainly living in a time of entertainment overload.

This song rocks!

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Oh ya, good advice, I totally forgot I had an SSD.

My mom always told me a watched pot never boils.

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But an unwatched pot, makes burnt mac and cheese.

Wait, what? Can I just leave my pots in a hidden location and return for food?

I always pick shows and make a little time every week. One episode a week is usually easy to fit in. You can finish quite a bit of the shows that way over time!

the servers run on 486 dx2 66, so they are slower than my craptop.

Especially if you set the play speed to 1.5 times. Work out those eyes and brain! :upside_down_face:

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LOL DX2? that made me laugh. :slight_smile:

You know that 3pm PDT is 6 pm EDT right?

Last season of Cobra Kai is out.

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I heard they ran on old Atari 2600s.

They stopped because that’s aus primetime

What’s funny about it? it’s like 1990s intel hardware :joy:

Agreed, in fact, the EULA specifically states that:

Blizzard does not guarantee that any particular Platform, Game, or Account, or any particular features or components thereof, will be available at all times, at any given time, or in all countries and/or geographic locations, or that Blizzard will continue to offer the Platform, Game, or Account, or all features or components thereof, for any particular length of time.

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There are definitely parts in the Boyz I wish I fast forwarded.

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I’m familiar with some stuff but have never watched. Sometimes I feel like a millennial Mennonite - partially digging into some of the new shows

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My first pc was a 386 at 100mhz and the guy I bought it from said I was lucky cause it was not easy to find a 386 that ran at that clock speed. And it came with Win 95, which was life changing compared to what came before.