WHy is this taking so long

I just can’t wait for 3pm so I can read the message about extended maintenance until 5pm.


I took off all week for today!


Its all I want, simple, pure communication telling me, we’re sorry but NURGLE and his band of turd monkeys took over the servers and the maintenance has been push back to August 21st

Nowhere in the contract that you signed with them does it say that they need to provide you with a specific number of hours a week to play. Nor does it say what those play hours need to be. Blizz don’t need to have the servers open at YOUR convenience.

Any more now a days they start their maintenance during work hours. You know, when their employees get to work. Rather than having to have a night shift or having their employees work ridiculous hours.

Ps. I’d rather them do maintenance and fix issues than have a broken game that only gets fixed on major patch days.

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LOL, omg, those guys all look like someone bullies get excited about seeing

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“Unfortunately the eldritch god we use to power the code that specifically screws you over on your weekly vault loot got loose, so we’re extending maintenance by an extra 3-4 hours while we recapture it. We apologize for any inconvenience”


The children of those guys are why we are currently living through Revenge of the Nerds IRL.

Objectively wrong but okay.

Its funny cuz at the time, those guys probably thought they looked cool


Some of maintenance is checking to make sure the changes are actually working the way they’re supposed to. Then time to make some final frantic tweaks to the code and try it again.

Course they won’t really know till 100,000 players all trying to do them at same time


Here’s one that definitely fit that bill!

Looks like Buddy Holly, but contemporary with Elvis Costello

Sick chorus on that bass, tho

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Just 2 and a half more hours… eat a real meal, you now have time for something other then a hotpocket. Clean up your windows desktop, I found movies I watched a long time ago, and empty your recycle bin. Defrag your HD, it prolly needs it. Now you have time for the things you never have time for.

Oh yea, The Boyz season 4… later, I’m out


Well, come on, most of the time its less than the hour on one day.
We all knew this was coming. Still cheaper than a round of golf. :+1:

Grats… Malal just laughed and extended maintenance to 9pm to deny you of your pleasure. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

by my clock it could be another 2 hours and 17 minutes till their up.

Don’t forget the old Mervyn’s commercial…


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Just a note but anybody using a SSD should not defrag it, which should be most of us.

For the 2 people still using an old HDD yeah, go defrag it.

And here I am thinking they still look cool :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: