Why is there so much Phase 2 hate?

I’m sure blizzard is not looking at a vocal minority. I’m sure they’re looking at realm statistics, death statistics, in game chat logs, and subscription cancellations.

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I dunno, I’m enjoying the game just as much as I was before, in my Normal realm, since I knew drek like this was going to happen. I am certainly enjoying the forums more, though, with the tears of the ‘hardcore’ PvPers who said anyone who isn’t on a PvP server is a carebear and isn’t playing the ‘real’ game. Phase 2 has been GLORIOUS as far as I’m concerned, and I’d like for it to carry on through Valentine’s day.

Pussies that’s why. Games are fun when you can lose. Rpg’s should have that element of fear that a gang could slaughter you if your out in the world alone, just like real life medieval times.

What server are you on, I’m sure it is fun for some if not most Servers. On my server it’s 6 to 1 on peak times and 3 to 1 normal times now.

Example: Last night horde attacked IF with 15 people, we had about 25 in IF and killed them. I go to BRM and my Spy shows over 200 more horde. I go to BS another 10 man raid of horde at FP waiting… The Ratios are too off to play. I love PvP I hate logging in to die for 4 hours to a field of Horde.

But let me know your server so I can look it up and I’ll better understand where you’re coming from.

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I think a lot of people were under the impression there’d be a fair bit more time before Phase 2 hit after launch.

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This is nothing… I’ll make a video this evening of my server

I mean. I love wPvP and BGs as much as anyone, but when you have limited playing time because of real life responsibilities it makes it less enjoyable. WoW grew with it’s playerbase. Most people aren’t the no-lifers that can camp someone all day for 10 honor points. Or are they? :thinking:

Unless things have changed drastically from the last census, Blaumeux isn’t horde dominated.

Killing one alliance player in a 20 man gank squad every few minutes
Clip titled “Honor farm”

Is the average horde player really this stupid? This is like no honor gains at all lmao

If only everyone had your sense, sir.

Mankrik. A nice, lovely Normal server. I waved at a Human Warlock while passing him on the way into Blackrock Mountain the other day.

I don’t understand this frame of mind. You think it’s a mistake that people rolled alliance? Did you want everyone to just roll one faction in a pvp server?

No, he’s saying that it was a mistake that people rolled alliance, when the information was out there that the servers were going to be unbalanced, and are now complaining about it. It is like whining that water is wet.

Interesting! Your server is 65/35 Favoring Alliance. A lot lower Population though. Guess that lower population helps with the over flow of people everything.

Your server has had a little over 3500 people on in the past 7 days.
My server has had over 17,900

That’s the difference

But you’re failing to acknowledge the alternative in that say no one makes a mistake and you have a server with 1 faction and still no wpvp.

Actually, according to the wowhead numbers, we’re at 60/40 Horde, with about 79K.

But regardless, I’m playing on a Normal server, so all this whining is just glorious for me to watch.

hahahahahaha. We rolled 40 deep alongside another alliance raid, riding in from redridge to get into BRM for our molten core raid (thorium point and morgan’s vigil are both perpetually camped). We were met with 4 full horde raids camping the ramp to BRM, and several more camping the chain/MC entrance and inner BRM.


Interesting! Your server is 65/35 Favoring Alliance. A lot lower Population though. Guess that lower population helps with the over flow of people everything.

Your server has had a little over 3500 people on in the past 7 days.
My server has had over 17,900

That’s the difference

Actually, according to the wowhead numbers, we’re at 60/40 Horde, with about 79K.

But regardless, I’m playing on a Normal server, so all this whining is just glorious for me to watch.

I was using Wowclassicpopulation and only the past 7 days. Wow head says over all time I believe. I can’t find anywhere to break down the data as well.

Wow head says my server is 48/52 And it was the first week and over all. Now it’s 34/66 and Dropping. More alliance transferred and quit. Our last Free server transfer for alliance is when the ratio got messed up.

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He won’t even say what server he is on so I doubt he has any idea what you are dealing with. Plus it effects stealth classes less. it isn’t until the big ratio difference and high pop that he would understand not being able to even stealth walk because the mobs of horde everywhere in every zone. They find you!

We thought we wanted this but i guess we didn’t.