Why is there so much Phase 2 hate?

Why are players complaining in game, on forums, in discord about phase 2 and world PvP? Did we not all sign a petition for Blizzard to bring back the, flying mount free, WPvP version of WoW? Sure there is a small portion of the community that play the game for PvE, but that, I assume, is what the PvE servers are for. I personally have been having the time of my life grouping up with a few friends, roaming the beautiful world of Azeroth, and slaughtering Horde by the hundreds. And let me tell you, there is no shortage of Horde to slaughter on my server.

I love BGs as much as the next guy, but is anyone else frustrated that blizzard is caving in, listening to a vocal minority of players, and releasing BGs early. Phase 2.0 is literally the best time in classic wow there is. Yes I play on a PvP server, I play Alliance, my server is horde dominated, and I am loving every second of it. 3 weeks of this is way too short.

This is not giving me a lot of confidence in the future of classic wow.

I feel Blizzard should focus their efforts on the real issue, faction imbalance, rather than releasing content earlier and upsetting the silent majority of their player base.


it’s like a child eating too much candy and getting sick, some just need a break maybe, idk

Thank you. You’re the first Alliance player that I know that actually owns up to this whole debacle.


Because Blizzard screwed up launch and servers are either cancerously over or underpopulated.

Just watch this video. Its not fun.


Boohoo, cry me a river.


If you see a lot of horde is BRM, either make/gather your friends, or don’t go to BRM. Seems pretty simple to me.


I take it you’re too dense to see what is happening. There are hundreds of horde camping every inch of the zone between the fp and the mountain.

You can’t just make friends. They die too. That’s a 10:1 server.


Horde saying you agree with him I hope your realize he says he agrees he wants faction balance and that bgs is not what should been done first. Could you imagine how many horde would be here whining then if they had to wait in a que?

I think you are missing the point of my post. I agree with you that the servers are imbalanced. Its at the end of my original post and honestly I believe a 10:1 server shouldn’t be a thing. All I am saying is that players are misguided in where they are casting blame. Phase 2 is not the problem and on closer balanced servers it is an extremely fun time. Its just unfortunate that Blizzard feels they have to rush out BGs to remedy the issue.


Did we not all sign a petition for Blizzard to bring back the, flying mount free, WPvP version of WoW?

A lot of these are the same people that assumed classic would be a perfect recreation of vanilla, and they’re upset because this isn’t how people remember wpvp. Most probably didn’t play until post-BG vanilla or tbc, at which points these massive camp-fests were mitigated. They simply couldn’t comprehend that this time around things would be different because of 15 years of theory-crafted-to-hell-and-back evidence that has given the player base WAY more knowledge than they had in vanilla. This time people were prepared. People have been hoarding mats for pvp-centric consumables and tons of players leveled engineering specifically for pvp.

Those who are pissed will also be pissed when BWL is completed in a day, and again when the AQ war effort starts and the faction supply turn-ins are completed within a couple hours.

At the end of the day classic just isn’t vanilla because we can’t collectively “forget” 15 years of experience/knowledge and some people will never get over that.


Hell ya we have Multishine. Let’s get it buddy!

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Depends a lot on the server you are on bro. If you are on one of the highest pop servers with a sizable faction imbalance (and you are on the wrong side of the imbalance) you will understand. There isn’t a single person I’ve met that plays alliance on my server who isn’t frustrated with the state of the game.

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Blizzard caving in to whining players and catering to the casuals so that the level 51 guy with a family who plays 4 hours a week can “level in peace” even though he rolled a PvP server.

They’ve been doing that for 15 years. What else would you expect?


As an alliance on a 35 - 65 server I for one am enjoying Classic very much in its current state. The fact that BGs will be out so soon is a tragedy that cannot be overstated. World PvP is what makes this game what it is. Tell 'em Multi


In a word: Population.

Classic servers have drastically higher population caps than vanilla servers did and it is magnifying the faction imbalances.


How about you don’t go to BRM then.

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Well if wpvp is the best part of wow- why would people stop doing it?

If it’s so good, why would people stop doing it?

If you’re having fun doing it, and others are having fun- why would you stop doing it?

The answer is simple- if it’s as great as you say, it’s not going to stop.

Yet you’re afraid, the Horde’s afraid, rogues are afraid- you all are scared that most players don’t find it fun. You use the term ‘vocal minority’, but if it actually was a minority you wouldn’t care at all since it wouldn’t change a thing.

You’re afraid because you know that it’s not a minority, but a vast majority- and wpvp is going to stop because most players either hate it, or only enjoy it when it’s balanced or massively in their favour.


The big zerg fights that should be the fun part of wpvp is more lag than fun :frowning: I don’t mind being drastically outnumbered, in fact I prefer it, but I can say being outnumbered in a slide show isn’t really fun. One moment there is a 10v15 or 20 fight going on, and then every ones running in place for a second, and then there is red names as far as the eye can see, and then after 30 seconds of lag you find out you were dead the entire time. That being said it must be horribly boring being on the overwhelming faction, as from my perspective it looks more like a bunch of people sitting around waiting for the rare alliance npc spawn that every one jumps on for half an honor point. Riveting gameplay!


I can’t speak for everyone but I stop PvPing because my body needs sleep and my rent needs to get payed. Players who aren’t having fun are either missing the social aspect of the game and trying to 1v10 the Horde or are trying to pvp in the wrong zones. Most Alliance players are having fun with the game so they don’t feel they need to post about it on the forums. All the vocal minority means is that the smaller percentage of players who aren’t having fun with phase 2 are the ones being heard by Blizzard.

The real losers in this whole situation are the Horde players who are having trouble finding enough honor to go around.

I find it funny how it’s usually rogues saying this phase is fine. Stealthies are the only classes who can land at a fp and make their way somewhere without being camped until they log off. I feel so bad every time i see any individual of either faction out running solo because i know they’re about to get ganked and camped until they aren’t worth anything anymore.

We rogues don’t know half of what these people are dealing with.