Why is there so much Phase 2 hate?

Its not just rogues saying its fine, its a lot of people who love PvP. People who arent okay getting camped should not have rolled on a PvP server

Of course it’s not just rogues, but they’re a big part of it because they don’t experience the same thing the non stealth classes do.

People didn’t join pvp servers because they expected 20+ man raid groups to be patrolling every 48+ zone 24hrs a day, at least the majority didn’t, or there wouldn’t be this outcry. With the amount of people in each server there was no way blizzard was going to leave wpvp out very long because people would just stop playing, and in the end that’s what matters to them.


Dude this has nothing to do with rogues, yes stealth is a huge asset in pvp, but I would be saying the exact same thing if I was playing a hunter or a warrior. I understand that Blizzard is a business and they want to keep as many subs as they can. All I am saying is that WPvP is the coolest and most interesting aspect of the game and its unfortunate that because Blizzard can’t fix faction imbalance they feel as though they have to rush out new content.

organic world pvp is awesome.

Zerg groups preventing anyone from playing the game is dumb.


Zerg groups arent preventing anyone from playing the game, youre being overly dramatic. There are plenty of ways to get around PvP groups regardless of your class or spec. I agree, world pvp is amazing.

“You think you do, but you don’t.”

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Check out the Heartseeker Forums :wink:

lol tell that to all the people trying to quest in searing gorge, winterspring, feralas, un goro, epl, wpl, etc.

Yesterday a guy was offering 10g per person to help him finish a quest because every time he got near the objective he was ganked by a 15 man group and couldn’t handle the rez timer anymore. If you think people are gonna happily continue to play the game that way you’re wrong.

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Ohhhhhh, is that all we need to do?

Ok, so we tried getting friends to help. Got 80 of them actually. Still got steamrolled and couldn’t get into BRM due to mass amounts of horde.

So your other option is to just not go to BRM… which is essentially saying that whole swab of content is off limits to us, I guess?

THAT IS OUR POINT SILLY. Huge portions of the game are unplayable!!

PS - you’re a rogue.


Nope. It is the correct decision, and is glorious.

The salt of the gankers is just a bonus.


I totally agree. I play on an alliance dominated server and this is rediculous.


Any more examples of videos like this? Im on a low pop server and want to show a friend.

PvP the wrong zones… every FP is farmed and every boat. I die standing in IF… the world is all the zone.

6 to 1 is not a good ratio or even 2 to 1

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You realize the point of, “Factions going at war with each other” means MUCH more than just BG’s, right? The point of raiding or holding down choke points is to slow down the leveling/progression for the other faction. Or, is that too hard to grasp?

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This is what MMO players have been doing for years and years. Nothing new, and it’s not just WoW. There is always a small but extremely vocal group of “gamers” that complain about everything and anything.

that’s a problem with their expectations, they should have, it’s obvious this is what phase two would be like.

Then give the Horde a metal saying they won the war. i want to play my characters again. I’ll gladly pay $100 for a character transfer to a balanced server or even PvE at this point. The game is not playable, it’s not about being killed for an hour or 4… it’s about being farmed for 5 days straight and completing 2 quests. It’s not a game anymore at that point, I log in so horde can get Honor and I don’t want to pay for that.

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Phase 2 was never the issue. The issue is faction imbalance which stems from Blizzards poorly organised release of Classic.

As a result, this faction imbalance has led to the early end of WPvP due to the way players are currently experiencing the game when trying to play as the non-dominant faction.


Honest question. What were you expecting when you rolled as alliance on a pvp server? Were you expecting factions to be balanced? That the horde wouldn’t outnumber you in every zone? That the horde wouldn’t relentlessly camp every contested area of interest because they can?

Okay yes there is a faction imbalance problem, we have been over this before, and whining on the forums is not helping your issue. I think what you’re failing to understand is that the two factions, Horde and Alliance, are at war with each other. If Horde out numbers you and is controlling BRM and you can’t muster enough Alliance to fight them off, the game isn’t unplayable you just have to be smarter about where you attack. Why would you pvp in BRM if you know your odds are bad, the makes no sense. Move to a different zone, camp a horde flightpath in plaguelands, conrol the boat to booty bay, or set up camp outside of everlook, etc… If you get outnumbered just move somewhere else. There are dozens of places to PvP. There is no reason you should be PvPing in BRM if you aren’t getting any honor.

P.S. Why should the fact that I have stealth effect whether or not I can have an opinion on Phase 2. My opinion wouldn’t change if I played another class and my opinion is that Phase 2 is super fun even on a high pop server with a 60/40 Horde skewed imbalance.