No, literally nobody celebrates Pride Month. Corporations like to put rainbow iconography on their online logos, politicians (including some those from parties/ideologies that opposed Gay Marriage back in the day) tweet out affirmations, but this is not a real holiday.
LGBT people will feign indignation when people say “Pride Month is nonsense.” They’ll exlaim that “it’s important to take time to recognize a formerly marginalized community!!” But there are no celebrations barring some publicly funded parades that local activist groups skim off from. Nobody goes home and watches Harvey Milk documentaries with the family. There’s no cultural canon for Pride Month meals or decorations.
It’s literally just a way for certain political groups to signal their ascendancy and politicians & corporations to cater to and benefit from that fact.
This is one of those threads where the OP eventually complains in the CS forum about “having their thread removed for no reason” and demands an explanation from the blues. Then a blue responds with something along the lines of “you know what you were doing” and locks the thread.
Seen it happen more than once.
I see lots of grey.
Ah the hecklers veto is out. This is a spam thread now.
Is it the same person?
You clearly do not understand the meaning of this word.
Even in the western world, people are LITERALLY being murdered for being LGBT.
The community will fight for this until we are seen as equals.
I can, with pride, announce I will not contribute to the overpopulation of the planet.
Most developed countries are experiencing fairly drastic birthrate collapses, and public policy is going to have to address or adjust to this eventually.
This entire bit of “Global Overpopulation” is a lazy, misinformed piece of Malthusian fearmongering from the 1970s. It was debunked decades ago. Every time you Malthus types have popped up, you get debunked again, and again.
In Brazil, LGBT Pride Day is on June 28th. Usually, there is a very large parade on a main avenue of the “main city” São Paulo (this is somewhat controversial, but anyway) of the country, and… that’s it.
The phrase “if you truly care” already imposes a very strong label, saying that if I ONLY support this being celebrated on one day, I “really wouldn’t care,” which wouldn’t be true.
Attaching labels like this to put someone against the wall is… unfair. But continuing…
Here in Brazil, we have one huge problem with the gigantic event held on this day: it ends up becoming extremely sexualized, with people doing many atrocious things in the streets, and the message about secutiry and quality of life for all has already been “lost.” So, although it’s a huge and well-recognized parade here, it has turned into a day where people avoid going there to not see certain things happening out in the open.
Having said that: I totally support safety and quality of life for everyone… but wanting this to be celebrated every day in a forced manner is something I don’t think is very fair. What I think is fair is that we should want quality of life for everyone, every day, regardless of who they are.
Yeeeeaaap this is a muted thread. What a cess pool.
Oh no, is it… because it’s impossible to buy/rent a decent house? or that our income is so stupidly low compared to living costs? nah… it’s the people. it’s definitely the people.
I thought you were talking about how we had an overpopulation problem? Now you’re ignoring that and saying we have an underpopulation problem, but “only because my preferred policies aren’t being enacted :(((”
Birthrates actually are fairly consistent across the Western World, and are low even in those with fairly affordable costs of living and generous government programs.
I love cookies.
Lol your struggles? What are you struggling with? I feel like you made a decision that you didn’t have to make. You don’t know what real struggle is.
I agree with one side of this topic, but i’m not telling which one.