So how many are gunna make threads saying they were silenced over nothing?
I just wish spam wasn’t allowed on some threads and banned on others. It makes it harder to read.
What did gluten ever do to you?
I mean, at least it doesn’t have pineapple on it. So that’s a win in my book.
Oh, don’t want to have to look at CS or GD later over this.
lol yeah… blows my mind when I’ve seen people say, “theres nothing sexual about it”
Uhhhh have you been to one lol.
The way some of these are going, I’m hoping it’s more than just a silence.
How do you make a thread if you’re silenced.
Cookie pizza for everyone!
Ahh the freedom of expression.
I think a reasonable argument could be made that Dragonflight as an expansion has been nearly 20 months of pride given the preponderance of LGBTQ characters that were present.
They log into an alt. That’s what most of these posters are, 1 and the same person.
There is no real reason for people to have as many children as they did in the past in developed countries. We don’t need extra farmhands, childhood deaths have decrease so no need to have “back up kids”, and birth control is pretty wide spread. Then with the cost of living and the cost with raising children it is just not a feasible thing to have lots of children. You also have people that just don’t want children and there is less pressure for people to have them now as well.
20 years of Pride!
Not worth complaining then…
Get silenced.
Hop on alt.
Get silenced.
I mean… The math does check out.
Well…personally i agree with having one day of the year with a huge and well-televised (or streamed nowadays) parade.
Buuut… I agree that after a certain point (some year), it got weird and full of atrocities happening there.
In recent years, there have been things like: a tr***gender pretending to be crucified… people burning Bibles… puting crucifixes in intimate parts… being completely naked and doing XXXthings in public (in this parade), even with children around… etc…
Usually, the police try to intervene, but this is exactly what happens: they claim the police are being invasive and trying to shut down the celebration, but that’s not it—they just want respect and public order… on this specific day, that no longer happens, it’s total disorder.
IN ANY CASE, I agree that there should be a date to celebrate each thing.
One for the LGBT cause… one for Mother’s Day… one for Father’s Day… one for Christmas… one for New Year’s… one for an important date in the country like Independence Day or a heroic public figure from that country’s history… etc…
but ONE day for each date…not all months.
Even America, with its anemic Social Safety Net, relies on population growth to shore up programs like Social Security. They can be fixed other ways, but it won’t be politically popular.
European States are even more dependent on Children than we are.
Okay, but again, we do not see a significant shift in the birthrate in developed countries with lower costs of living & more Government programs aimed at reducing childcare costs on the individual.
It shouldnt be about politics, or religion. but it always ends up being so.
Let everyone just love who they love, with consent and not shoved in my face.
You know, a company refusing to acknowledge the existence of different viewpoints/lifestyles other than yours in-game is also a political statement, right?
There is no such thing as neutral. Since population diversity exists they either intentionally choose to leave it out or include it.