I think the point was to not be straight here?
Got some with extra butter?
I think the point was to not be straight here?
Got some with extra butter?
Again ? i’m from other country, so, someone explain that to me : it’s normal to every month you americans celebrate pride month ?
Sure do
I’m very against buttered and sweeted popcorn!!!
Well you can see my comment was right based on how much they’re frothing over the concept of it existing
June is generally Pride Month, globally. But it’s sadly mostly commercial, if you truly care, support is all year around.
June is also Mens Mental Heath Awareness month. But the rainbow is too bright to notice that one. Nor is the stigma against it quite sad.
Buttered and salted. No sweets!
They do, actually need to bring em back. But with proper healthcare, not just whatever it is the USA calls healthcare.
Yeah! Cheese flavored is way better!!
Sounds discriminatory
Never had Raspberry before. I’ll go for that.
Come on, admit it. you’re not sitting straight, you’re sitting like a wet noodle right now!
Pretty much that and other countries like Canada and Europe. But in Middle East they have zero tolerance for that and the punishment is death
Because Pride Month is an IRL thing, not an Azeroth thing.
We got a beach chair in the TP, go buy that.
How dare you insult the wet noodles. I’m going to complain to the authorities of the wet noodles. There shall be a Wet Noodle lawsuit.
Don’t forget to the rainbow trail toy is on discount this month, too!
And to be clear, I have nothing against pride month.
But Azeroth has never had any homophobia in its story. So an in game pride event would feel out of place.
WTB More Flags
Not all middle eastern countries to be exact, but most of them.
You and me both hun, you and me both.
But both of these months sadly attract the most vile of people. Good to fill up the ignore list though.
It was a marketing thing that isn’t profitable anymore. Wowhead had a real melt down when the pride swim suit wasn’t released and mass banned people for pointing it out if you want more info. Less they deleted it.