Why is there no Era for TBC and WOTLK

“Work was hard, so we quit.” - Bart Simpson … then adopted as a company motto by Blizzard


Cata never deserved a classic its not good noone ever asked to do cata again. We asked for the first 3 and thats it why is the only reason we asked for classic not here anymore? They completely missed the point of the whole endeavor to begin with!


the last time i played wow classic era was in aq40 i had to step away bec of a new job at the time at the release of tbc classic i made sure i made a clone of my toons cause i was sure i was going to come back in the future even if only to farm tyrs hard again for fun. Now whitemane is popping the realm is alive people the community is beautiful. I just wish there was something like this for TBC and Wotlk. Sunwell+BT gdkp community in my server was popping why did that have to end? Also im sure everyone who worked hard for thier shadowmourne would appreciate paying every month just to stare at thier total bis and playing every once in a while and carry a gdkp with their hard earned total bis WHY DID YOU WASTE OUR TIME AGAIN BLIZZARD!! THE DEVS never spent time to create a powerful character it shows they dont know wtf the people want. We want our hard earned raid gear bis to be locked in place forever while we blast dps in the raid content that was good. WE NEVER SAW POST WOTLK CONTENT as good EXCEPTION to Legion and Siege of orgrimmar.


And again, the survey showed interest. Blizzard stated they weren’t expecting an overwhelming support for it, but they were surprised with the amount of positive support it had received. People voted for Cata.


blizzard wants you to go play on russian servers paid for with dollar general gift cards


If you had war glaives and total bis in tbc or if you had shadowmourne RISE UP! dont you feel like you were SCAMMED with this trash classic cata? NO ERA FOR TBC AND WOTLK WTF?!?!?!


Would love to see a fresh trio return! Vanilla - TBC - WOTLK repeat!


We know what we want!


I take this time to again point out what Blizzard has to gain. Kaivax or any other CM monitoring these forums it’s worth passing on to the higher ups.

It’s a minimal investment thing, give us a fresh rotating server from Vanilla, to TBC, to Wrath for the Arthas saga which is what brought WoW into being. No changes to them, that means none of the awful beta/gamma crap that was added to Wrath. Leave a TBC and Wrath server at the end of the rotation for a permanent home for player’s characters. Allow cloning at the end of Vanilla and TBC, the option will allow players to play onwards while keeping a character in the previous content. This will also generate revenue as a unique feature to the trilogy.

You’ve got the data to show the increase in player numbers when you launched these servers in the past, as well as the data that shows the dip in player numbers when you removed a permanent server option which caused private server numbers to rise. You also have data from private server listings on player participation after some of the more successful servers have done wipes and player retention levels stay consistent. Sticking to a true to form server is minimal cost, will draw in subs with permanent servers, generate consistent revenue with cloning, (While I’m not fond of boosts they too can serve as additional revenue.)

So you stand to increase revenue through subs, and clones, and further keep things fresh by mixing it up with the rotating servers for player retention rates with minimal cost of anything outside maintenance.


Exactly. The argument that Blizzard can’t do era servers because of the maintenance required is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard, yet people keep saying it. It’s Blizzard’s job to do this, it’s how they make money… and they already created TBC Classic so the argument is more nonsensical than ever. They’re just being backstabbing jerks for promising era servers and then pulling the rug out from under us at the end of TBC Classic.


Yeah it’s honestly really depressing to get Classic versions of these great expansions, just to throw it all away…


I agree with what your saying gamer, but i dont think its fair if the tbc and wotlk servers start fresh we want people who already have their Warglaives and Shadowmourne to have thier items already not go again!


Impossible to not go again with what they’ve done with classic, moving characters from tbc to wotlk to cata etc. They can’t rewind that character back to tbc or wotlk from cata, doesn’t really work that way. Fresh stand alone servers for tbc and wotlk is the only answer. Just get it done Blizz.


With the deletion of clone data what you’re asking for is a massive time and financial sink for little return on their investment. If you want to appeal to a business, you need to learn to pick and choose your battles. In this case, profit. There is more money to be made on a fresh run around with permanent servers after the expansions run their course through boosts and clones than there is to be made going through and tracing every individual character across all accounts that meet the requirements.

So let’s say Blizzard does that to hundreds of thousands of characters. The cost of man hours vs revenue isn’t worth it. Blizzard would need a sizable chunk of the playerbase to not only return, but would require additional fees to even make it break even, let alone profit from it. So of the two choices presented, mine and yours, as someone whose had to appeal to higher ups in the decision making process before, I can assure you that money talks. If you think your strategy will make more money than mine, you have to present it that way.


If they’d have kept wrath classic then made cata a remix like they did mop, I’d probably be more interested in both.

I always thought it was implied that when people asked for a classic server that they wanted to play their favorite expansion indefinitely, not just for a development cycle.


It was absolutely implied, vanilla, TBC and WOTLK. Blizzard however did the ol “You think you do, but you don’t” trick on us again. Now they’re progressing classic cata and will likely continue to progress into mop. Aswell as giving us a SOD that completely changes the game entirely. I suspect they’re hoping that we’ll enjoy it enough to go back to retail and kill classic in it’s entirety, just so they can have the last laugh. Sadly it will work with some people, the rest of us will just quit… Again…

Removes tinfoil hat


When it started, it was only about vanilla and Blizz only promised permanent servers for that.

Everything after that is a bonus and temporary.


It was a mistake to take geared toons into TBC.


Classis aka Vanilla is the only one of the big 3 that was, “the world,” of warcraft. The other 2 were self contained, “for the most part”, and do not share the original world… of warcraft.
Plus you mean podium position not, “pole” with pole position being i think the first to start, so the best of the qualifiers.


Because nobody would play them and they don’t want to maintain all these different servers for a minimal amount of players.

They made a massive mistake with era as it is now keeping it alive…

They forever have to keep this semi maintained but not really and spend endless money for a handful of players.

I bet if they could do it again they would never do era