Why is there a shutdown on Wednesday?

On tuesdays, during patch days.

Again : it’s a video game. Not a medical information database with patient’s live in the balance.

I’m at work during the hours they do these. Most people are 9-5. Doing video game maintenance in the 9-5 window is actually the better for everyone.

Get a day job ? :man_shrugging:

FFXIV for example updates their game off peak from their country of origin so their country of origin player base isn’t effected too much during their peak play hours. Would be nice if Blizz showed some love to their country of origin too.

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Again, gatekeeping and demanding everyone has to play by your schedule isn’t how it works.

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Still not fixed after realms are up.

It has nothing to do with their playerbase and everything to do with when they are available to do maintenance. It’s usually in the wee hours for us Americans, but it is during work hours for Japan.

Which is the same for Blizzard.

Well, darn.


Are you trying to say that 7-8 am Pacific/ 10-11 am Eastern is “peak” WoW play time for the Americas?

I can assure you it is not.

They very much select low play time when most people are at work or school to do the Maint.


Early morning or mid-day isn’t exactly peak hours, though. Most people get on in the afternoon or evening.

Peak no, but playable hours outside of the ones most people aren’t sleeping.

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Do you guys even know what gatekeeping means ?

Players on a forum disagreeing with you cannot stop you from getting anything done.

You mean the sleep hours where Blizzard employees also sleep ?

I would hedge on the fact that they are completely understaffed.
Business models are based on min/max concepts with little to no room to wiggle.

I am not stating there is zero mistakes or incompetence as every company has a knucklehead or two but any company that struggles or has a lot of challenges in transitioning is usually suffering from a lack of support.

I wonder who is doing the Program( Not software oriented title) & Project management for these teams?

It’s the time the fewest people are playing. I am sorry it negatively impacts you, it does me as well. HOWEVER, expecting (or asking) them to fund multiple teams to do multiple maintenance across every time zone isn’t even a tiny bit reasonable.

No, but the team that monitors the game over night can get the ball rolling sooner on these if they really wanted to is all it comes down to.

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It’s almost like there’s a massive expansion release in less than a week . . .

So it’s ok to impact more people as long as it impacts you less?

They have monitored it. That is why they do maintenance when they do, because that is the time when the least amount of people are affected.

Regale us, 'O Competent One, with your immense knowledge of what it takes to run a massively successful MMORPG.

I’d love too see you try and do their job but probably kind of hard from that McDonald you work at

Better now then next Monday evening.

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Their idea of competence is how a web site like Twitter balloons into an unprofitable and unsustainable company of 7500 employees, where nothing actually gets done in a day.

Apparently not.

You’re upset that they’re doing it when you want to play, but it’s not all about you.

I’ve lost track of how many experts have come through here explaining how to easy it would be to fix everything.