Why is there a shutdown on Wednesday?

average linux user post :skull:

Doesn’t work w/ that, honey. It isn’t about versions, you can’t do that safely when there are multiple databases [state] involved.


Muting this thread. I appreciate the conversation but you’re clearly wanting to drive home a point that isn’t relevant.

All of this can be solved. All of it. It’s been done, it’s being done, it will be done. This is an internal management and resource issue related to how they handle their infrastructure and how it is implemented.

Argue until you are blue in the face, it’s totally cool. These systems are flawed in one way or another and can be improved to where we do not face these issues. That’s all I am saying.

If you genuinely believe that these systems are operating optimally and architected in such a way that they cannot be repaired or these problems cannot be solved, that is further proof that they have internal issues with management and infrastructure.

No matter what, these problems are not unsolvable. These are not impossible. These are not intractable. Period.

I mean, you can try to sound intelligent all you want, there’s plenty of state maintained on the WoW server. If state were only maintained client side, cheating would be massively easy.

Yes, by restarting the server when you update the code on it. Solved.


I wish you best of luck in your career.

So much for muting.

its called half the coders out there in the workforce suck and you end up with broken stuff alot.


What holiday is that?

I hope your boss doesn’t read this thread.

Imagine trying to declare it a design flaw that someone designed a stateful game as something you just restart to push a new build out.

We restart pretty much every bit of non-critical infrastructure that is stateful to push new builds out, no point in building massive in-memory copies and upgrade routines for things like the SCM system when people can tolerate the 10 minutes of downtime.


Uh, Thanksgiving?

Naw, they taste terrible.

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sure 10mins
I just agree that nobody here knows how the code works for WoW, since there’s hotfixes that you could think that a downtime is required but not and other times there’s a larger downtime that programmed

The way I figure it : if it’s data in the database, it can be hotfixed. If it’s controller code or client code, it requires a restart, outside of small client updates.

So a spell’s effect is a hotfix since it’s a value in the database (you can even see them on WoWhead). An item’s appearance requires a client side patch, that can be done on the fly on the clients if it requires no controller update on the server side. A controller code update (a clipping bug, an item duplication bug because of a race condition) requires downtime.

EDIT : for the client side, I’m actually not quite sure what requires or not a restart. Any build change client side will require “compatible” servers, so probably a code change in the controllers to approve the new client. Client build changes probably actually impact graphic data and code. The UI however is fully just an add-on and that can probably be pushed out as a hotfix to the client (when your raidmates say “don’t restart, there’s an update on the launcher”).

Would be nicer if they had a night crew or did these at off peak times for EST. Like take it down at 2am till 7am EST, then you could take it down daily if you REALLY need to, but they don’t care about East coast at all because none of them have to deal with it out here.

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I mean guys, this is a video game.

Paying a night shift crew or paying overtime to update a video game.

During hours when most of the continent is at work.

Let’s be realistic here. This isn’t critical to your daily life, you can do without WoW for an hour.

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it was for maintenance. i hope this helps!

i agree. i feel most services would be better if they catered to my needs specifically and ignored everyone who isn’t me

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Being east coast myself, I concur.


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The Americas Region includes Oceanic so no matter when they do Maint it will be inconvenient for someone.

Overnight shifts also mean overtime, fewer resources if something goes wrong, no front line communication staff for CS/Twitter, etc.

Traditionally metrics have Tues, or most weekday, mornings as lower global playtime.

Our ANZ friends are in prime time while we are having coffee.

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It’s not always just an hour, they’ve had 6, 10, 12 hour maintenance sometimes, so why gatekeep against those who live on Eastcoast as opposed to adjust the times for EVERYONE in the games country of origin? Kind of selfish to not want to change it for the better for everyone.

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Because everyone seems to forget that this happens prior to every xpac launch as they try to fix the stuff we complain about in the bug report forum.

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