Why is there a shutdown on Wednesday?

See title, I logged in and was kicked back off in 2 minutes


Some evoker probably flew through a wall and found the Ashbringer


Same reason there are shutdowns every other day of the week, randomly…incompetence.


probably urgent fixes or setting more things up for next week


because they need to fix stuff. id rather things work and have an hour of downtime than login to non LUAs


I hope they are fixing the enchanting vellums to work again.

Among other things.


They really could do better. Hotswapping infrastructure and scaling infrastructure is not new, nor prohibitively expensive in any way.

Maintenance announcement had been up for at least 24 hours. Why? Because there is something needing fixing that requires downtime.


Because they didn’t do it on Tuesday this week? I was confused by that myself…

theyre cheap though the servers probably run like linux and are ten years old

Even easier to spool up another cheap set of crap hardware and A/B test or hotswap, then.

This isn’t that hard, and their approach to these problems indicates a lack of any talent or skill in infrastructure management on their behalf.

Not sure if anyone else was having this issue but I couldn’t control the game sound. I even turned everything off and still got music and game sounds…maybe that’s the issue?

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its apathy my man


I have no idea what you mean by “run like Linux”…

i mean “run like linux”

The unfortunate and frustrating truth :frowning:

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Because I needed the time to go out and buy pastry,

There is a lot of stuff that needs fixing and I would rather they do that than ignore it.

I personally prefer an hour down two mornings in a row than a long long downtime on a Tues.

I honestly expect we will have more extra Maint between now and the week after DF release. Tons of stuff going on that does not show up until you get millions playing it on a Live server environment.


Fast on old hardware?