Why is there a shutdown on Wednesday?

these threads crack me up because there are two big, goofy assumptions people always make:

  1. “whenever i happen to play is obviously peak time for my region”
  2. “i have more accurate information on server load and active players than blizzard does”

There will still be one then too though don’t we all know it. lol

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I have seen a lot of dumb posts over the last 12 years but this one is without a doubt one of the dumbest. Thank you for the laugh.

The best one I feel is “Blizzard employees shouldn’t get to sleep at night so that I can get a good night’s sleep and wake up right into playing WoW”.

These folks never think of them staying up all night and sleeping through the maintenance window. Such an easy fix.

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We are the sultans. The sultans of swing.

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Hopefully we get some good news on November 28th without any bugging

The game broke because the code was broken, so they fixed it, then the game broke because if the fix, so they are fixing the broken fix that was broken after they fixed the broken code that was broken.

Fix one thing, break 347 completely unrelated things.

Spaghetti code is grand. :wink:

With tomorrow being Thanksgiving, and most companies take the day after off, I expect at best a skeleton crew just to keep an eye on servers. They can ultra-prepare all they want, I have never known a launch for a major expansion to ever go flawlessly. Go well? Maybe. I expect Nov 28th to be a day of zone crashes, DDOS attacks because someone got bored or has some bs excuse they’re upset at Blizzard, and last minute bugs. I, personally, don’t plan to touch any of the new zones for a week or two until everything settles down.

They keep doing maintenance to fix stuff and good on them yet going on 9 days with an entire profession of enchanter unable to do ANYTHING and still not even an explanation enchantments are getting ridiculous on my server at close to 20k for basic ones