Why is the story so terrible?

I really don’t get it either. Seeing all this effort and money put into animating a story that feels like it was written by my middle school dungeons and dragons DM is surreal.

The only explanation I can think up is that the writers exist in such a yes-man bubble that there is no effort whatsoever made to throw out bad or boring ideas and they just go with the first thing that comes to their heads. There is no other explanation for how it can be so consistently uninteresting.


Okay, I’ll take a whack at it. Next patch is a pandaren void lord, we’ll call him… Gus. Gus isn’t really an evil guy but he does some bad stuff, like eradicating all the trader dudes in Oribos and, basically their entire race because he wanted to fly at the airport but they wouldn’t let him. So, after that, we’re supposed to hate him but then it’s rebealed that the traders and the… whatever the hell that thing at the top of oribos is was going to not only suck all the anime out of our bodies but turn every single player into her own personal gank squad.

Gus was a good panda.

Gus doesn’t die, but is vanished back to the void, but before he goes he steals Oribos, yes, the actual airport. he binds it to himself and pulls the whole dang thing through to the void with him where he can fly around it for all eternity in bliss. As a reward, heroes who banished Gus receive a tiny voidling battle pet that makes nearby players randomly happy (but absolutely infuriates paladin trainers)

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This is also where I think story started to become more important than game play with scenarios.


Scathing comeback, dude.

Yeah I think this is a big part of it. I definitely noticed a shift in WoD with all of the voice acting from NPCs like Khadgar that started.


MY gripe is now bolvar sending us to the tower. Maybe the runecarver can read it?

Umm. Bolvar, that ain’t happening. We don’t need to “read” this. We hide this, no power up for jailor, we win. So I will hop me a portal or 5 and put this somewhere it will never be found. Ever…

Bolvar goes where smart guy?

Well…we got argus, it doesn’t have a rift opened in the sky. Mawsworn can’t get there fast. Got 2 draenors so again no rift. 3 if you count mag’har scenario.

Or, goes my BE DH…fel hammer. Let the maw sworn come to my ship. I will put their butts in chains too. I tire of demons only for decoration. Maw sworn or some throw pillows was an idea. I like maw sworn in chains over throw pillows.

Either they fix this crap by having him be a (terrible) spy making bonehead calls to throw thre game. Just get it out of the way and out him.

OR…they stop making bolvar useless and incompetent. He is making DK"s look real bad. which is a shame. They are working their butts off. Then LK drops the ball and ruins it all.


Okay I cant disagree with that. Bolvar has been freaking useless this expansion. They need to make him do… something.

Standing around a table in Oribos just isn’t cutting it for me.


So, the other end of the spectrum :crazy_face: Reality, it’s not great, but better than others.

This my game literally heck or high water. They lost some of their magic, I’ll grant that (in exchange for the almighty cash till), but I think its turning around.

The story is bad because it was clear the Jailer was the bad guy all along.

You are kidding right. The storytelling isn’t even close.

Okay negative nancy. I just gave my opinion.

It just is not something you enjoy, I can’t explain why you don’t enjoy it. I mean, it comes down to personal tastes. I absolutely love pizza, some people hate it, no one is wrong. Of course, being that this is the wow forums, we must insist on attacking one another and trying to prove our view is the right one and everyone must have it.

Like it was a nice little treat, but they leaned to hard into it.

The other major issue they had was they kept upping the scale of the threat, which got WAY outta control, when you look at each exp what was at stake.
Wrath: Undead armies, we dealt with it before but it was probably going to kill us
Cata: Giant dragon ripping the world apart, still a tangible threat because its a dragon
MoP: Renagate war chief threatening and showing that he could rip appart every non horde race because reasons requiered combined might to kill off.
WoD: went back in time to fight the OWA: Orc with attitude, was going to bring an even BIGGER orc army to kill us all
Legion: Literally fighting off space satan and entire legions of deamon that would burn our world.
BFA: FIghting massive old god taht would bring us all into shadow and corrupt the world soul and doom our entire reality.
SL:Fighting literally satan this time.

The threat gets more and more ridiculous, and they dont understand that eventually that road has to end, or reset. Now if you look at exp prior to WoD, as wod was when it really got outta hand, more or less we were just random dudes that did contract work for people. Classic and BC we were just dealing with local peoples problems.
Wrath we had a structured goal, but for the most part everything was dealing with very localized zone issues. Like look at the raids from Wrath they were very much their own thing.
Then look at EXP past that, every thing for some reason links together in a massive story that no one asked for.

If you want a great way to reset the game back to a place were we are ok. Take the opertunity of shadow lands, say we were in there for like 10 years or so because time BS we come back, and the only threat we have to deal with is like…idk, say a pirate lord came to power in the south seas and we have to fight him because he is stealing all our crap and rading our cities and we go down there and we then deal with some pirate factions.
Discover like a lost gnome empire that they all mysteriously vanished and we need to find out what happend to them.
Uhhhh lets say one of the old Forsaken captins or LK DKs went rough after his death and established a scourge pirate force.
Uhhhhhh ppfffft idk, we encounter a middle eastern themed human race thats big on trading and they have some corrupt empire crap going on and we need can sort it out.

Point being move away from over arcing stories and just give us more localized adventures.


I mean this patch is literally the plot of the Lord of the Rings ctrl c ctrl z in with some minor changes that somehow turned Tolkiens masterpeice into a Mr Man book. We should call it Mr Definiatly not Sauron. The writers seriously need replacing at this stage.


Pretty sure the place is run by non-gamers or at the least, only mobile-gamers, the culture is all gone from wow.

Just to add… i think mobile games are like the arcades of the 80’s, the only thing that will get rid of them is VR on pc or some other dramatic progression for pc.

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Another GD thread thrown to the story forum as punishment lol


Ion has commented on the fact that “angry customers care and caring customers engage more than apathetic customers.”

Danuser has made jokes eluding to the idea that the team is intentionally enraging the playerbase.

Make what you will of that information.


I’m fairly certain not only are all the WC3 story guys gone, but even the people from the first half of WoW’s life. I’d be surprised if there was anyone on it who was with the story team pre-WoD.


o.O what? Story has always been one of their weak points. I’ve enjoyed a lot of what they’ve done but they’ve had a lot of issues with it even at their peak.

WoW is about really cool moments and they’ve had some success stringing them together but it seems that as they chewed through established villains/content they’ve lost a lot of steam.

That isn’t to say they haven’t done enjoyable story lines in SL but as a whole it is a mess.

Ah yes, the post-2006 Marvel comics plan of action, as if that hasn’t backfired horrifically once everyone realized they intentionally troll readers to generate rage sales.