Why is the story so terrible?

Honestly wondering what went wrong. All the decent story elements (old gods, legion, litch king, etc.), were on such a higher tier than the whole BFA saga… and especially whatever the **** it is they are writing now.

Is this just some form of weeaboo fetish that I can’t seem to understand? Y’all people talk crap about FFXIV being for furries… but damn…

Anyway. The story is absolute garbage now. Why? What went wrong?


Hi, could you please be more specific about your concerns? Blizzard has the best in the business when it comes to story writing, and Blizzard staff do read these forums, so any feedback you have should be specific so that Blizzard may understand your concerns.


All the talent left blizzard.

This applies to more than just the writing I’m afraid.


I’m not sure what the premise of the OP is.

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Excuse me?

Best in the business?



So here’s my question:

Is the story bad because we think Sylvanas will be forgiven even though we don’t know that yet?

Or is the story bad for what it is right now?

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jailer is thanos copycat his entire design is 1:1 of what thanos had

hes holding his 5 infinity stones

hes gonna change reality

and sylvanas doesnt wanna serve but she served for 10 years

this is high school fanfic writing.


The prevalence of straight up wrong opinions this audience has about what’s “good” and how BFA was “bad” is mindboggling.

You literally just said old gods were good material and then 3 words later you crapped on BFA’s story. Did you forget how BFA had like 3 overlapping layers of N’zoth/Old God nonsense between Nazmir, Kul’Tiras, and Uldum? Before that, BFA was the most authentic Warcraft story WoW has ever had. It’s called Warcraft. Not threat-to-the-world-flavor-of-the-year-craft.

The Lovecraft obsession should have stopped years ago. We get it. You like Cthulu. Good for you. Do something original literally just once in your life, Blizzard writers, please.


I’m going to - respectfully - disagree on that point.

Ultimately, I think WoW’s biggest hurdle with the recent writing is a lack of narrative vision. And what I mean by that is that there doesn’t seem to be a long term plan in place for where the narrative is supposed to go, or how character arcs are supposed to play out, if they’re present at all.

Look at Warlords of Draenor. For all the faults that expansion had, it was very clear who the antagonists were, and what the drive of the story was: defeat the Iron Horde and prevent them from invading Azeroth. It was simple and effective, and they had a persistent sub-plot in the Burning Legion that led directly into Legion where, again, we had a very clear opponent with a very straightforward objective.

Compare this to Battle for Azeroth, where the expansion is about…Azerite? No, wait, it’s a story about the faction war, and what makes both sides exceptional. Except it’s not about that at all, because the Burning of Teldrassil caused a rift in the Horde…is it about the Old Gods? Dealing with Sargeras’ sword? Is Sylvanas the main antagonist?

This muddled vision has carried through into Shadowlands. We have a new setting and villain that haven’t had time to be developed like Arthas or Illidan, and suddenly it’s supposed to prop up an entire expansion. What is the Jailer’s master plan, precisely? Sylvanas’ defection felt predictable and a little weak, given the crimes she’s guilty of, and there’s just a general feeling of the plot being developed in a panic as they go along, rather than according to any sort of narrative plan. What purpose did the Night Warrior serve, for example? Would either expansion lose anything, narratively, if they hadn’t thrown it in there? The same question could be asked about Azerite, for that matter.

It’s fine and well to come up with some plot details as you go, but you need to have at least a basic outline, a skeleton, to work with beforehand. I don’t think Shadowlands has that, and people notice when the story just isn’t hitting.



9.1 violates one simple rule of gaming, you let players advance a story in a positive way.

In this patch, you start it off by saying the players did nothing to help and the big bad is making you look like a fool. Everything you thought was going your way way just a trick played on you.

Now you are in a worse position. Before you can ever start working on the story, you are shown that trying to save Anduin was never going to work out. Now he is insuring their win. At the same time, you are shown that everything keeping the jailer in place has already been taken. In the middle of all that, we find out that Elune has “betrayed” her high priestess.

There is no positive light here. There is nothing to give you any reason to think you can win.

This is how a badly written fanfic is written when the person writing it loves the villain too much.

The heroes are nothing but puppeted pansies.


all we did for 9 months since 9.0 began has been for naught.

thanos has his infinity stones


Good. Now can we Thanos snap to some good content?


It’s being written by a guy who’s in love with Sylvanas, subverted a Vanilla character to be his self-insert and her BF, defended the removal of calling her the b-word in 10 year old content and thought the final season of Game of Thrones was the apex of storytelling.


before his arrival to blizzard he was a part of like 4 failed games


Call me crazy but being bald doesn’t make you thanos.

I don’t think people understand the sigils aren’t what give the Jailer his power. The sigils are keys to the Sepulcher. The Arbiter’s sigil used to be his and much like the Primus was just retaking his old form.

He’s unmaking the universe and creating a new one. So yeah kind of similar to thanos but also similar to literally every other bad guy in WoW.

So this is the weird one. It’s been said that Sylvanas thinks of she and the Jailer as “business” partners. Not so much as that she’s the lackey. The moment she realized that’s what she was to the Jailer she turned.

The issue is, this wasn’t displayed well in game. So I agree there.

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Anyone who says FF14 is furry hasn’t played WoW. Legit have two types of Tauren, Worgen, Vulpera, and Pandas. Meanwhile FF14 has humans with cat ears, bunny ears, some weird placement scales (literally only like 33% of their body), and 1 actual “Furry” race.




yea its definitely copycat thanos/sauron merged

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Ok so you’re joking. Got it.

Even going so far as to give them a new body that looks like himself. :nauseated_face:


he even has a portal like thanos