Why is the story so terrible?

It has been obvious since Torghast’s announcement during BfA that SL’s story is a bunch of ret conned crap full of cheap plot contrivances.

I am glad you all are coming around, but I felt like I was the only one complaining up until the cinematic dropped.

I guess that was the straw that broke the camel’s back for a lot of you.


WoW’s story suffers from what I call DBZ-itis…it’s dragged on forever.

I am adamant that no story can be all that good when it drags on forever (and I just got into a nice hot steamy debate about how One Piece story can’t be good on the simple merit that it’s too long) because it doesn’t even matter if they keep it consistent with no retcons. The story eventually bleeds together to the point where tropes you thought were cool stop because you’ve seen it before, important plot points get lost because there’s so much story there you simply cannot remember it all, characters that thought to be important fade away and you forget about them until you see them again and many more issues happen the longer a story goes. It’s why Sylvanas and Garrosh comparisons happened and why some argue they’re basically the same.

A story that never ends can, at best, be entertaining in the moment and that’s about it. In WoW’s case the story is probably best when it keeps it simple with big bad villains trying to evil things and we stop them, but even that pisses off players because stuffs happens that we say should be dealbreakers or argue that the faction conflict should be over by now, etc.

The fact is you basically just have to get over the bad story-writing at this point in WoW’s history. They didn’t take the route of building off the story forever, they just retconned what they didn’t like (which is probably worse, but also a lot easier to do) to make the story work for the current expansion. In certain ways they cannot be blamed for trying to keep a story going on for this long because while I’m not saying someone couldn’t do better…it was always going to end up this way.


What’s bad about it? Explain. “It just is” isn’t a good reason. If you want change to happen, you need to elaborate, not make a knee jerk reaction post (where you obscure a swear… great way to get silenced! and lose your voice here…) and don’t say anything actually helpful just because you’re upset.

For example, what parts of the writing did you hate? If you list the things you didn’t like, maybe people could open a dialogue and get thread some traction? High reply counts get noticed. But you don’t seem to care enough about your own post to even make a proper opening statement. :confused:


Go back in time

I think you have bad taste. A lot of us enjoyed the cinematic awhile others didn’t.

Either leave or keep paying for something you don’t enjoy

Lol. Go inhale some more copium. Story sucks. End of.


The story is frankly the best it has ever been. It’s so great in scope, we just can’t really grasp it yet. It’s a “first time seeing Star Wars or Lord of the Rings in theaters, need to rewatch it 10 times to fully understand it” kind of story. Really compelling. Truly ahead of the game in storytelling, and I’m sure the best is yet to come.

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lol, you’re full of it. “Old gods were good!”

BFA literally has Old God themes running through 3 patches. You contradict your own statements. What did you not like? Or are you that lazy???

Old God writing dates back well before BFA. KEK


Uh huh. Except you said “these elements are gone.” Liar. Or you’re being purposefully obtuse for the purpose of trolling. Bye. :v:

I guess you don’t know how quotation marks work. No surprise you can’t comprehend my writing.

lol, you’re too much. It’s not even sunday bro. I feel special. :hugs:

have you ever written an autobiography 9 times over yeah I didnt think so come back when youre an accomplished writer for 9 years

Theyre copying Disney

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They’re trying to do too much with one monolithic on rails story.

Trying to explain dungeons, gear systems, currencies, covenants and then tie them all together for the actual story. So you get things like a really sad story about something having to sacrifice a soul seed to save the forest just to turn around and click on a vendor that will sell you a vanity pet for the same anima.

And now, “I’ll leave a copy of myself because all these maw walkers may need a rune carver.”

Essentially systems are now characters.


Because the current writing staff doesn’t care about the story.


I can tell you 100% what happened.

Back post mop, they started the whole, “Wow is a story that shapes the narrative” with expantions features prominent over arcing story lines that involved big name characters as front and center to the expiation. Prior to this, wow was a setting that stories took place in. Big names took a back seat and where more or less just a set piece to prop up the rest of the events going on.

Since WoD its gotten worse and worse, it worked in legion because the characters that were features were very well liked and it was around established lore characters that many people enjoyed. There on out they tried the same thing with BFA and SL, but with a much heavier hand. This does not work for wow. We are tired of seeing the Saturday morning hero’s and villains do their thing.

Look at expantions past, the big names were just there as a set piece not the interactive thing they are now.

Wow should be a setting in which adventures and stories take place.
Right now wow is the adventure and a story thats shaping the setting, and its not doing a good job at it. World build and make stories with in the world. dont make stories to world build.

Why do you think settings like LOTR is timeless and so well established? because Tolkin made a world, and then put stories in it, not stories to make the world.


What are some examples you can give? From BFA and Shadowlands

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Because I’m not on the narrative team, don’t worry I’ll apply

Maybe in the past they did. Not sure if they have the same writers as they did back in the day and they’re just out of ideas, or if they have a newer staff that doesn’t know or care about the story, but something is missing.

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