Why is the male version of succubus default now?

I know I didnt say that. Whats the post #?

You can edit the qoutes but not my post…

Yeah same I think they may be on a phone cause that looks like a phone thing.

lol all good :stuck_out_tongue:

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I would like to see that go a step further, they added so many new demon looks in Legion, would like to have the choice to keep my current demons, or dump them and get one of the new looks without a glyph, as long as it’s a 1 for 1 change.

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Ah thank you ya that literally was not me…was part of my poor qouting abilities.

That was Post 142 from Shantarin… Im not on a phone so I dont have an excuse.


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60 Night Elf Demon Hunter18475


It stinks of Blizzard talking out of both sides of their mouth to commit to an inclusive office space but to then drop the incubus model, which is actually wearing less than the succubus model. I mean, I think it’s dumb, and I’d appreciate it if Blizzard gave warlocks customization options for their suck busses, but I can understand why the incubi makes people uncomfortable. Remember, even the succubus was deemed too family unfriendly to the point that Hearthstone removed them from the game.

"Most demons do not have an explicit sexual identity. They’re demons, they were not created through tradition procreation. Sayaad in particular could be considered emotion-driven vampires . They feast on the emotions of their victims. Much of Azeroth is sexually repressed, so it makes perfect sense that they lean into that when they could just as easily get their fill from sadism or grief and misery. New Sayaad are created when a Sayaad has cosumed so much of their host’s spirit that it can only function by doing the same to someone else. Which is why Succubi and Incubi rarely have offspring- they have a near-endless life cycle, siring a new Sayaad means a new mouth to feed, and in the cases where they are genuinely in love with their host, that transformation changes them, so crossing that line carries serious considerations.

It’s also why they tend to shun night elf society- a matriarchal society isolated from the world for 10,000 years and which had the overwhelming majority of it’s male population take a nap in the Emerald Dream in that time would actually develop into a fairly sexually open society. This is also why Sylvanas burned Teldrassil- she was massively envious of just how far ahead Night Elf society was in that respect where her loving a human, despite it being the most prominent feature of the Windrunner family line, would have been seen as unbelievably scandalous by High Elf society.

And before you say it, my interpretation is as good as any other and it at least attempts to explain the lore within the context of Warcraft itself rather than appealing to the sensibilities of it’s author."

145, its literally in the 2nd line of your post

Even like with succubus or Inci to change wing color and stuff. I tried the 4 armed succu and didnt really like it. Thought the default looked better but yes would love to see even like be able to go through some quest chain to permanently learn certain demons. Lots of stuff out there and stinks you cantuse a lot of it.

Same with the Doomguard. Finding people willing to summon…its tough.

Read the post above yours…also go to Post # 142 from Shantarin…its literally not from me its from Shanterin.

Oooh got you.

After you select the text, there should be a button underneath that says “quote” on it. Here is an example of that quote button. Don’t quote the names just the text you want to quote.

Do you not know what Blizzard has been up to the past many years? They’ve been very naughty.

Ah…I do this from a work PC and it says block qoutes so idk…

Ah damn…I was using the qoute symbol lol. But I couldnt include links in my post even though its from your post. Thanks for the tutorial.

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Oh hey np and there you go! You got it =)

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because Male is the default gender on character creation and everywhere irl.

Actually it’s woman by default then male features develop based on chromosomes / hormones in development. That’s why men have nipples.


You’re a very confusing poster

I think what happened is they didn’t know how to quote, so we thought their post was their post and not a quoted post and then we went back and forth. I showed em how to quote now so should be ok now.

Ah, that makes it make a bit more sense

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:shushing_face: or will be labeled as a tyrannical NAtional SoZIalistische anti-rainbow evil white male in his 40’s


Looks like it. NO choice. Either is accept it or get penalized for it

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He gets his jollies from low rez pixels that resemble a female.

Maybe instead of getting off on video game demon women you should learn to spell THOUGHT


Really trying to be a victim, arent you?