Why is the male version of succubus default now?

It stinks of Blizzard talking out of both sides of their mouth to commit to an inclusive office space but to then drop the incubus model, which is actually wearing less than the succubus model. I mean, I think it’s dumb, and I’d appreciate it if Blizzard gave warlocks customization options for their suck busses, but I can understand why the incubi makes people uncomfortable. Remember, even the succubus was deemed too family unfriendly to the point that Hearthstone removed them from the game.

Most demons do not have an explicit sexual identity. They’re demons, they were not created through tradition procreation. Sayaad in particular could be considered emotion-driven vampires . They feast on the emotions of their victims. Much of Azeroth is sexually repressed, so it makes perfect sense that they lean into that when they could just as easily get their fill from sadism or grief and misery. New Sayaad are created when a Sayaad has cosumed so much of their host’s spirit that it can only function by doing the same to someone else. Which is why Succubi and Incubi rarely have offspring- they have a near-endless life cycle, siring a new Sayaad means a new mouth to feed, and in the cases where they are genuinely in love with their host, that transformation changes them, so crossing that line carries serious considerations.

It’s also why they tend to shun night elf society- a matriarchal society isolated from the world for 10,000 years and which had the overwhelming majority of it’s male population take a nap in the Emerald Dream in that time would actually develop into a fairly sexually open society. This is also why Sylvanas burned Teldrassil- she was massively envious of just how far ahead Night Elf society was in that respect where her loving a human, despite it being the most prominent feature of the Windrunner family line, would have been seen as unbelievably scandalous by High Elf society.

And before you say it, my interpretation is as good as any other and it at least attempts to explain the lore within the context of Warcraft itself rather than appealing to the sensibilities of it’s author.


But how do you feel having a naked man in your thread, replying to you?


I’m sure.



Dude has a paper towel hanging over his privates , while the rest is uncovered. There is a different meaning depends what clothes you’re wearing

They have on undies. They aren’t naked.

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It ok because its been the default for 18 years. It sounds like maybe the female has been offensive to you since you started playing. Doesn’t change the point of the default remaining the default instead of changing for everyone…instead of leaving it default and allowing players to be aware of the option via a quest.

The gender of the succubus is part of the Ops point…Orientation is a factor when choosing the demon to summon, at least specifically in the OPs case. Orientation is pretty significant…even if for you it isnt.

No noone is saying it was ok that the default was a female. You are putting that into the mouths of millions of people over 18 years. Then again noone cared 18 years ago like they do now either.

If you thoroughly read my posts and took the time to understand what I was saying in them and some of the other posts in here its attacks…and the principle of the issue is clear. That really isnt meant as a dig at your reading comprehension or any other nonsense. Maybe I didnt do a good job clarifying my points but they can be found none the less.

“The OP has said they should have left the default demon with the option to then change it to the male rather than what you’re saying.”

Thats literally what I was saying. The OP and I agree…make the player aware via a quest instead of making the button summon one of 2. I said that in one of my posts as qouted by Zerde.

Why should it be default female/make people who want the male one to wait until X level to get it? Making it so it is default random seems the most equitable thing.

“What I’m pointing out is that the OP is clearly uncomfortable with a half naked sexy incubus but appears to have no issue with the default being a half naked sexy succubus.”

This comment from you reflects his orientation and lots of people, as pointed out, dogpiling on him for it. The reverse is clearly true for people who are offended by a female succubus. Sometimes sure it might be a preference for a model that looks better than the other gender but based on OPs responses…that isnt the case.

Maybe Im not sure has My 2 warlocks were level capped. Ill find out as I will probabaly make another one at some point. Your efforts to educate and inform are appreciated Zerde!

Because he’s whining about needing to go to SW to set it up so only the succubus shows up, like it’s the end of the world if he can’t change how his Saayad works RIGHT HERE AND NOW!


It stinks of Blizzard talking out of both sides of their mouth to commit to an inclusive office space but to then drop the incubus model, which is actually wearing less than the succubus model. I mean, I think it’s dumb, and I’d appreciate it if Blizzard gave warlocks customization options for their suck busses, but I can understand why the incubi makes people uncomfortable. Remember, even the succubus was deemed too family unfriendly to the point that Hearthstone removed them from the game.

In case it was confusing, and it kind of is at this point, the question was posed to someone else. I dont think I ever saw the answer to that but thats ok.

I think your point about the inclusive office space is a big factor too and probably why OP isnt fond of the change.

The sexual orientation implications and OPs sensitivity to it and its now political roots at this point are probably all factors for OP.

its all unfortunate. Just creates division for all of us.



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Him complaining about having to go to SW and change it isnt his real issue though.

The qoute was directed at someone else. I know the answer to the question even if I didnt get an answer and thats ok. Ive fleshed this issue out well in this thread even if i largely goes unread or misunderstood/misinterpreted.

This may surprise you, but men generally have less to cover up


Which stinks I would love to go around with no shirt on but noooo it’s indecent exposure ><

Although to be fair, I think I would scare people XD


Blizz should have gone about this a better way, either keeping the succubus as default and offering a quest on first summon or login. Other solution would have been to have them as their own spells, then you don’t have to go back to the trainer to change it.


2102 posts

60 Vulpera Warlock23025



I didnt say that lol. Edited qoute.

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It does…I had no idea. I didnt say that either. Another edited qoute. Fun.

Thats my sentiments and I totally agree. A separate spell would have been better.

Id love to see more demon options too.


Oh I was going :eyes: cause of the typo LOL XD it’s all good.
Idk what my stats are about though I think you misquoted or missed the quote marks.

Anyway it’s all good I was just messing with ya :stuck_out_tongue:

You feeling alright? Cuz you’re not making a whole lotta sense there

I didn’t edit your quote, I flat out took part of your message

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I suck at qouting lmao…its why I reply so much.

I also think if I qoute multiple people they might not se the notification and have the chance to respond.

Your humor is appreciated, especially in this thread!