Why is the male version of succubus default now?

No, I don’t think you do. You just want to be mad. :wink:



I mean most of “The Light”'s religious structure is pretty obviously Christian based. There’s a literal cathedral in Stormwind.

Next he’ll complain that Thor is being misrepresented by Chris Hemsworth lol


You’re reading a mood from my posts when there isn’t one. You’re assuming I’m upset because I’m making a point that you don’t happen to agree with.


Why not? People complain about everything else.

If you summon that particular demon, you’re expecting partial nudity.

It just wasn’t the kind he hoped for :stuck_out_tongue:


I think a new player wouldn’t know what to expect. But you are right OP was expecting one thing and got another, like a joke strippergram.

Good thing they never refer to the male one as a succubus then, eh?

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I think this game doesn’t have new players lol

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Thought. You thought they were optional, not tough.

They are rare. Like, super rare. I can see the new accounts and … they’re almost always bank alts or barkers for paid runs.

Just because Archaic Primitive Christians aren’t a majority doesn’t mean that their beliefs aren’t as legitimate as anyone else’s. Those iconic names represent part of their mythology. It’s (at best) disrespectful, and unnecessarily so. There’s no reason Blizzard couldn’t have simply named them something different.

Renaming the entire structure of “The Light” is exactly what Blizzard should have done in this case. Having a Church that’s amorphously and non-specifically referred to like this is perfectly fine.

I don’t really care about Thor in this discussion because a) I don’t really much care for superhero movies and b) I don’t know as much about Norse mythology as I do about the subject at hand. It’s hard for me to feel like I can express an informed opinion on something I’m not well-informed about.


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Your orientation doesn’t matter.

What I’m pointing out is that the OP is clearly uncomfortable with a half naked sexy incubus but appears to have no issue with the default being a half naked sexy succubus.

They complain about not being “given the option” but then are asking for Blizzard to do the exact same thing they’re complaining about to other people.

That is textbook hypocrisy.

Well yeah, the whole thing is not a big deal. Even in the context of only things in WoW that could be done better, this is still a trivial issue.

This is less than getting calls from telemarketers because it’s 5 minutes and then you never have to think about it again.

In an ideal world would you not need to go back to a city to change it? Sure, but it’s not an ideal world and that isn’t how they did it.

Which pointing out they could have done it better would be fine, but that’s very clearly not the only thing being said in this thread and that’s what I’m calling out here.


this is a really dumb thing to get upset about. just go set your preference and never think about it again.


They’re literally sleepy sex demons lol

You have to be joking.

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I doubt he tested it up that far though, He probably went to like 3 ran out of SS and that concluded his tests.

Be as derisive and dismissive as you want.

Both the succubi and the incubi have been part of the mythology of Judaism and Ancient Primitive Christianity (and a predecessor religion in Mesopotamia) for more than 4000 years.


Lol okay, will do. Nobody gives a crap about ancient religions, mythology has been commercialized for decades, and you’re being ridiculous, most likely on purpose.


Because they are more scantily clad than the lady succubus. :slight_smile:

The only type of gay panic that is a acceptable is playing Panic at the Disco at a gay bar/club.


Judaism is an “ancient” religion?

Interesting take. Not surprising, but interesting.

Anti-semitism is pretty common in the US though.

How far away are those straws considering how much you’re grasping for them?