Why is the male version of succubus default now?

why does someone prefer the incubus? because they do! <— correct answer. why does someone prefer the succubus? because they do? …apparently not. instead we have to go down a checklist for psychological issues.

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Yeah I clearly don’t have enough crayons to explain this to you lol

Feel free to be mad about words you’ve made up.


alright i’ll use the crayons:

what did he say to indicate toxic masculinity might be his “problem”?

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Sorry you seem kind of dumb and it’s time for my lunch break.

If I remember you exist in an hour maybe I’ll get around to wasting more time on this conversation.


interesting. you may be right. still, you could answer the question.

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I usually am! I’ll answer your question with another question. Can you comprehend the difference between these two sentences?

Because one of those is what I was responding to, and one was not.

If you can’t, then I’m afraid we can go no further here today.

i understand the concept that people can be uncomfortable with nudity, whether male or female. i understand the concept that people are attracted to nudity, whether it makes them uncomfortable or not. i also understand that being uncomfortable at the sight of same sex nudity, may be a clue that said person is attracted to that same sex. but what i asked was how does his preference for females, suggest toxic masculinity?

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Aside from that derived from an apocryphal and mostly metaphorical reference to Dragons in the non-canonical parts of the book of Daniel, I am unaware of any specific mythology related to Dragons in Western Mythological traditions (although I’m, as I mentioned, not well-versed in Norse Mythology).

I’ve no problem with dragons, particularly the very generic versions that Blizzard uses (which seem to have mostly been cribbed from D&D rather than mythology).

I’ve no problem with using existing mythological creatures as models for outright fictional beings as long as they’re either named differently or done with respect to the original source they are named after.

As I said in my most recent post before this one, succubi/incubi have been in continual use for more than 4000 years although the names have changed as the concept passed through three religious mythologies, there are parallels (probably drawn from Egyptian mythology) in sub-Saharan African tradition, and in the Americas, and there is at least one early Buddhist writer who warned about them.

By all means, use the concept. Leave the names alone unless you’re going to go to a strong effort to avoid redefining them into something else.

Thomas Aquinas, was absolutely obsessed with Vampires, by the way. There are religious implications to many of the creatures that Fantasy works (fiction and gaming) use. So long as they’re used respectfully, I’ve no problem with them at all. To a degree, it helps those myths live on - not as actual belief systems, but as the metaphorical lessons they were originally developed to teach (in come cases) or descriptions of conditions that weren’t understood at the time, but were abnormal in some way or another.

Make sure you right click the barbed choker item the warlock gives you or you’re still gonna be stuck with the possibility of summoning the dude one

its traceable to ancient sumer/akkad/babylon, and likely present in ancient china (though an emperor destroyed all their pre-3000 BC. histories). the dragon in ancient sumer was a 7-headed monstrosity, and not called a dragon, specifically. looks like a cross between an european dragon and a hydra.

Being uncomfortable at the sight of same sex nudity (but not the opposite sex) stems from the social stigma associated with homosexuality that makes men react viscerally to the fear of being perceived that way, which is a facet of toxic masculinity.

For I think probably the fourth time, nobody said that.


ahh, ok. i am not interested in having relations with other women, and i do not want others to think i am interested (because 1) its not fair to gay women, 2) its just a fact and facts are good). if i thought having a summoned succubus vs. having a summoned incubus, might suggest i’m on the market for gay relationships, i’d avoid the succubus. it never dawned on me that taking precautions so i dont send mixed messages, would be toxic. perhaps this is how he thinks? i have no evidence such is the case, only my own rationale.

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I have no idea. I wasn’t even necessarily talking about the OP. If you’d like to follow the chain of comments back up you’ll notice that I was answering a more generic question posed.

I also don’t think your proposed scenario makes much sense, nor does it have anything to do with “feeling uncomfortable”.

Absolutely true, but “Dragon” is a bit . . . generic . . . as far as a name goes. It’s harmless as far as I know.

There are lots of traditions that have “dragons” in them and some of those are going to derive from early, non-“Archealogical” finds of dino bones. Some of them are likely extrapolations of existing creatures into frightening size. Some of them are literary metaphors for things as many g-ds and demi-g-ds are.

Humans use symbols - we’re (as far as I know) the only animals that do - and we record them and share them generationally. Those symbols have allowed us to add to knowledge from generation to generation in ways that literally no other animal on the planet can.

well is the discomfort because of arousal or because, as you said (paraphrased) – he doesnt want the social implications, which you claimed was toxic behavior. if its social, is it because he wants to present a clear message to would-be suitors, (and pay attention to this part) whether male or female, or is the answer absolutely because he doesnt want to be made fun of. we dont know the answer, and to jump to the most negative possibility (which doesnt indicate anything other than he likes females) is the ridiculous part

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No, I claimed it was a facet of toxic masculinity, most of which is ingrained social behavior and has nothing to do with conscious decision making.

It’s ever-increasingly clear to me that you aren’t going to get this. Let’s just part ways amicably, yes?

Okay. /bow

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10 char

That’s pretty heteronormative. This would become a big stink if Blizzard did that.