Why is the male version of succubus default now?

The female is ok.

This is the evolution of my Warlock’s Succubus, from Vanilla to now… (At least until the Incubus!)

Odd, when I tested it out on my warlock it swapped back and forth every single time… I have never once seen it spawn the same one twice in a row.

on mine it spawned the same male incubus every single time till i switched it back.

The only oddity I experienced was it randomly switching back to summon sayaad on me after I had it changed to summon succubus… twice…

A guild, yes. The level, quite possibly - it definitely is not available to a level 1, I just checked. I’ve been using the things for so long, I can’t remember off hand what all the requirements are.

However, the OP had said in their original post that they had not logged on to their toon since 9.2.5, indicating that it was a toon they had made prior. At the time of my post, no mention was made of it being a new toon. Hence, the idea of being able to join a guild if not already in one, and perhaps being able to buy the tabard that can take them to SW.

There was some kinda logic to my thought process at the time of the post. :smiley:

anthropomorphic bull person= minotaur in our mythology. Demons who seduce people and drain their life force during sleep= incubus for those who prey on women and succubus for those who prey on men in OUR mythology.

However, when Blizzard created their lore they created their own versions of things. What we’d call minotaurs are tauren in warcraft lore, likewise incubi/succubi are a race of demons called Sayaadi. If you’re adamant that you’re a tauren and not a minotaur (which is accurate per warcraft lore) then you have to equally apply the ‘this is the lore in this setting, not our own Earth mythology’ to Sayaadi as well.

There is a quest that does that. I logged into my warlock yesterday and summoned the succubus for the first time in years. I was met with the incubus with a “!” over his head and the quest had me go to SWC to talk to the warlock trainer. Once there, I turned in the quest then told the trainer I wanted to only use the succubus. She gave me some kind of one-use item that turns the incubus/succubus button to succubus only.

I got carried over when I was writing on my phone not paying attention to auto correct.

I did it hat as well, but the whole problem for me was , why didn’t we get quest from succubus? Instead I have to go to SW to make my first choice of demon default because they replaced the default demon with something new.

I’m not against having more option, if blizzard added this demon back then when activist where not supported so much by politics driven science would be different. Now this male version of demons, which was btw demon that seduced females, was brought in game as response to all this activists, movements and politics going on in company and in western world

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This is just a guess on my part but it could be because the incubus was newly added and they wanted to make sure the players knew that they had the option. I do think the quest thing is silly and that the incubus should’ve had its own summon button like the blueberry, imp, etc. That, to me, would’ve made more sense.

Speaking of Incubus, it y’all can find it, check out this classic movie starring Capt. James T. Kirk. It’s entirely in Esperanto.

Does it have subs? I’m kinda weak on Esperanto, I’m in the stage of learning it but still I’m not good at it

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I bought a DVD of it a long time ago (from Amazon, if I’m not mistaken) and it came with subs.

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The incubi/succubi connection is easy to see.

The Tauren thing. Certainly easy to make the comparison aesthetically. The lore is far different so I would say its aesthetic only for the Tauren/Minotaur where the succubi/incubi are still quite similar in concept to real world mythology. Tauren are almost their own creation with a very basic attachment to Minotaur inspired by but very much their own thing too. Really interesting actually as I never looked at them as minotaur inspired. Minotaurs are a human/cow hybrid and Tauren are all bovine imo. So a difference but certainly connectable. Interesting.

Actually though that just makes me want to play my Tauren more.

I still want Taunka…Bison!

Strickly speaking the Tauren bear little resemblance to the Minotaur - that was described as a man with a bull head - Tauren have hooves, just to name one substantial difference. One would only call them “Minotaurs” if one was not well-versed in the original mythology. For another, calling them Minotaurs would be akin to calling them Daves or Jeremys as it was a name applied to a single creature. There was no race of Minotaurs. There was just the one - the offspring of Minos’ wife and a sacrificial white bull.

The “taur” portion of the name is simply the Greek root for “bull” (see also the Zodiac sign “Taurus” - no one thinks that has anything at all to do with “Minotaur”).

That they didn’t call them Minotaurs also speaks directly to my own concern about using the language of existing myth for their creations. They did that correctly, which means they’re capable of it.

Succubi and incubi have religious roots that span thousands of years through three major religious mythologies (first of which is extinct). As a part of both Jewish and (to a lesser extent) Christian mysticism, however, they are still part of active religious mythologies. The names changed over time, but they’re clearly the same creature as the oral and written traditions of those three religions share a relatively unbroken timeline.

There have been other cultures which had essentially identical demonic entities. I suspect that if Blizzard had lifted the name from, say, the Arabian Mythological “Qarinah”, the question of this being cultural appropriation would be more clear.

Sub-saharan Africa has about five names for essentially the same demon and records recovered in the Americas refer to them as well.

There is early Buddhist writing warning of demons who share behavioral characteristics with the Succubi (but are, interestingly, not given a specific gender).

My points are that a) many cultures have essentially the same demon in their cultural mythology and b) each has its own name for it. It wouldn’t be out of line for Blizzard to have invented a name, even a derived one (Vulpera, anyone?), rather than appropriate one still in use by at least some elements of two current world religions.

Because we love the incubus model more than the succubus model.

What, you mean like dragons? Are you kidding?

Most cultures also have some unique form of dragon. Does this mean you are opposed to all dragon references in pop culture?

Also, most cultures have some form of ethereal beings/ghosts. Theyre off the table now.

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the dude just likes women. liking women does not auto-indicate toxicity. this is getting ridiculous.


That’s neat, because that’s not what I said nor what I was responding to.

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I wonder why some people are uncomfortable with the incubus but not the succubus.

you were responding to that. if he says he prefers half naked females instead of half naked males, that doesnt mean he’s any of the things you said. you’re trying to shame him for prefering women.

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It’s still pretty neat how those are two different statements.

Spend less time building strawmen and more time working on your reading.

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