Why is the male version of succubus default now?

LMAO what agenda? It’s just a pixel demon, it’s not like Blizzard came up with incubi.
I disabled my incubus because my succubus has a cuter name. Not like I use it anyway.


Would you prefer no option at all? Aka what only male-attracted players had for 17 years?

I think your head would explode.



not that big of a deal man,
set your preference at a trainer if it bothers you that much,
why do you even care?

I did start the post dramatic by as well asked

But yes I still stand behind that we could get default demon giving us quest to go and do the options. Some people stated it’s random but until I didn’t set it as default succubus at warlock trainer my summon was always incubus or naked guy how I refer him

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Dude, there’s a quest. You can default back to Succubus. That said, he isn’t any more naked than the Succubus.

It was probably random which one you got, and you’d need to change it yourself after that.

Idk but the male succubus is so greasy looking. Really wish they had done something different.

Well, it’s an incubus so they aren’t going to give you Benedict Cumberbatch in seersucker and a straw boater punting down the Thames from Cambridge.


Sure he’s an incubus but they could have at least made him masculine. At least ditch the lip gloss…

Succubus is girl and I’m a guy. If I was a girl I wouldn’t mind a naked guy

Woman, she’s an adult woman.
But really, it has no gender, it’s a Demon. It chooses it’s form to best seduce you!


Being uncomfortable at the sight of same sex nudity (but not the opposite sex) stems from the social stigma associated with homosexuality that makes men react viscerally to the fear of being perceived that way, which is a facet of toxic masculinity.

lol crazy if you actually think that way. twitter psychologist, MD

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I prefer to be seduced by woman XD please

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Nah. Succubus are female sex demons and incubus are male sex demons.

You cant have a female incubus or a male succubus.

I suppose it depends on many, many different variables, really. I know my ex cannot even peek at a naked man without feeling that his masculinity is being violently attacked! He has to make a big fuss just to show that he’s not gay AT ALL!

But I went to Art school, and we had a Life Drawing class; six hours for a solid year, and none of the guys in our class showed any outward discomfort when the naked model was a guy.

I don’t care about nudity at all, male or female, because of this class. I just appreciate the human form, regardless of shape, size or gender.

But there certainly is an element of toxicity in regards to how some men react to the naked male form, and it might just stem from vulnerability.


Just a fun FYI for people posting in this dumpster fire of a thread: OP once got caught bragging about his DPS on a different character thinking people wouldn’t find his Hunter instantly and see he only had grey parses:

This is the level of genius you’re dealing with.


Eww gross.

You actually chose that?

The cm robes are awful, super low res

I love the robes because I’m proud I earned them.

I think Elarandor chose me!

And this is a such desperate individual that can’t accept facts, that he is trying to bash all my posts just so he could make a point that he is a desperate basement dweller and a obsessive delusional person.