Why is the male version of succubus default now?

Oh boy, the “over sensitive” rebuttal when no where in either of my posts could you make that reach. Maybe you’re a bit oversensitive because the OP doesn’t like the new model being the default.

Personally, I find this thread to be silly as the Succubus/Incubus is a worthless demon in every aspect of the game. So it’s a weird thing to get get a tiff about. Then again, folks like yourself that love to attack people because they don’t like the new model are more obnoxious because I know what you want to call the OP but you’re scared of being suspended.

I’m just merely pointing out your hypocrisy and bias.

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That’s extremely funny to me.

Oh I think it’s no reach at all as that’s the way you came accross to me.

I couldn’t possibly care less if I wanted to what they think about the new model. You and I both know that’s not what his complaint was.

It’s “folks like you”. Stop trying to sound smart…or at least use the correct words.

Op is a homophobe and I’m not scared in the least to make that statement if that were the point I was trying to make. Oh nooooo a forum suspension, whatever will I do with myself :clown_face:

I’m sure that’s what you tell yourself.

I’m amused by the idea that the demon is the opposite sex of the player. That would have been the original intention if they implemented alternate demons like they wanted to in vanilla. If it does work that way, it may be a point of contention among certain members of the team.

I don’t need to worry about that. I was playing this game even on my language. The whole point is “right way to do things without forcing on someone” but that is to hard for you to understand.

Even you are quite literate in English you seems have issues to read and understand


No, I mean even relative to the volume of stuff to cover up, it’s showing off more. It is very explicitly aimed at some specific fetishes what with the choker around his neck and the carefully toned body. It should shock no one that for some people this is pushing it too far, and it’s entirely possible they weren’t OK with succubi either.

I think it’s more about people being uncomfortable about having explicitly sexual content in their video games. I might not agree with it but I understand their concerns.

I just wanted options like muscle tone and clothing and skin color choices for my succ bus. And for that matter I think a lot of people would be way more OK with Incubi if theirs could have bulging muscles, a skin tight T-shirt and scream, “YEAH!” while fighting with fists and elbow drops in lieu of a whip.

Duh, because I comes before S.

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I really want to make a dad joke to the effect of, “because it’s always default of the guy” but I don’t want to attract incels or anything like that. It’s supposed to be funny. Not a manifesto.

No one is forcing anything on you.

What language is that? Reason I say that is quests can be translated over or mistranslated and I wonder if there may be a typo in the text of the quest or tooltip of the spell.

Basically what it may be in English may not be translated correctly in the language your using in your game.

The one I used mostly was German.


Ah got you.

There are easily worse problems to have in life than this.

there’s the whistle

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Once again: HOW does it take you that long? If you’ve got a hearth set to Oribos as it is centrally located, you’re practically right there.
In your achievements, I see you’ve got class hall related stuff, so I know you’ve done Legion content, therefore you SHOULD have a Dalaran Hearthstone.

What’s that take? Five seconds to cast, maybe 10-20 to zone into Dal, then another minute tops to hit the SW portal and zone in there?

You make it sound like trying to get back to a capital city is this arduous task that takes a massive amount of effort.

Why do you keep saying the word “tough” instead of ‘thought’? I thought the first time you did it that it was a mistake but you’ve done it over 3 times now.

“Tough” means strong enough or hard enough. You want the word thought, which means thinking that it was supposed to be something. I just had to point this out.

Oh and the succubus thing is random, I summoned mine around 10 times and got the male twice and the female eight times.

uhm doesnt that require a guild…and level 5.

Im confused how this is ok but the female version was not.

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16th century depiction of a Succubus…

(I blurred it, because I don’t want to offend anyone from the US with medieval naked female form!)