Why is the Jailer bad?

So the Jailer is just trying to tell us to git gud? Now that’s a philosophy I can get behind. Jailer good guy now.

You guys are killing me :rofl: Hubby is looking weird at me for my shout of a laugh there for a second…maybe twice! Lol

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He wants to destroy the universe and there be ale in it. That’s enough for me.

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but hear me out: if you let the jailer kill everyone then every brewer in the universe will be gathered in an area you can travel to. Therefore you will be able to experience every ale in the universe with the help of the jailer.

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These questions come down to what it even means to “serve” the Jailor. What will that even mean for the average person living on Azeroth?


Exactly what I’ve been thinking through.

a life of war against other cosmic forces most likely, which is actually pretty cringe because I want to play a fantasy game not sci-fi death space adventures.

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Mmmmhmmm. That is a very good point. I’ll have to think on it.

Unless, now stick with me here, what if we move to a new universe where everything is ale.

As far as the eye can see! And then we just let Zovaal have this dump. Everyone wins :upside_down_face:

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So uninteresting…thats every villain ever.


I like the way this lady thinks. She’s got some dwarf blood running through those veins. I’m sure of it. You just tell me what I have to do and I’ll do it. When the time comes.

Once upon a time, i locked him in my basement for 5 years, and that’s why he’s so angry. The End. :grin:

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Oh no, you sadistic basement person!!!

It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again!


I said in the other thread and I’ll say it here: Sylvanas has alluded and others have as well that there is something we don’t see about the big picture and something is ridiculously unfair about what exists currently. She claims it has to do with free will which I think is suggesting it has something to do with “the cycle” that gets brought up every so often in Shadowlands. The Jailer and his people make it seem like it’s particularly unfair for denizens of the Shadowlands and that the 4 leaders are mindlessly obeying the first ones and their design.

But yes, you are right in that he knows something that we don’t that hasn’t been revealed. I just feel like with 9.2 being the end, they’re going to screw it up in the long run as they’ll feel rushed and it’ll prove all those “lul lore bad in SL” people right when there was a juicy reveal planned all along that would have been a shocker moment.


LOL, just messing with you. Just found it endearing, but I understood what you meant!

I mean the thing is, is he really the villain? The other four leaders had it explained to them how whatever it is we haven’t seen yet is flawed and they were like “hur dur Zovaal you’re bad for not liking the First One’s plans OFF TO THE MAW WITH YOU!” like little blind sheep. That’s basically like if we decided to get rid of anyone who went against the government even if we knew it was wrong in what it was doing. The biggest problem with judging him right now is that we don’t know what the flaw is or even remotely close to it. I would like a hint soon although it’s funny people are like “ermagerd bad villain” because he didn’t give your typical villain speech giving us his plans at a point where we could still stop him.

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The only thing that was what you’re describing was the Draenei and the Legion stuff. Nothing about Shadowlands deters from typical fantasy games.

Considering how he’s handled things in the Maw, you’re giving this dude a ton of credit. The guy hasn’t done anything to show that he’s anything more than what others have been calling him. He’s such a one dimensional guy and I figure they’re gonna try to do something to make him sympathetic, but nothing they’ve really shown us (and even our interactions with him) have shown him to be anything more than villain of the day #265.

Think about this…if his plan was so transformative, then WHY corrupt Anduin? Why not just go in and tell him what’s going on? If it’s really something important, then he’ll join willingly like Sylvanas did. Instead, he decides to “corrupt”/“take over” Anduin which isn’t something that a “good guy” would do if that person was really in the right.



Exactly. Can’t see much good in that predictable ‘I am villain, do as I say’ trope.