I feel like there’s an assumption here. I know I get turned around on story lately, and maybe I’m just asking the stupid question.
PS There just doesn’t seem to be enough story to prove one way or another whether his idea is bad. I mean maybe he understands reality better from his all beginning knowing?
He wants to dominate us, which is bad when he doesn’t have consent.
For real though, it does seem to be a “I shall remake the universe so all will serve me!” deal. He straight up said that in one of the most recent cinematics for the SoD raid.
He hostilely betrayed his own siblings and position, is torturing countless innocent souls, destroys everything he touches, created the Lich King and thus caused enormous death on Azeroth too, along with various other evil machinations, and has so far been waging war on our world and the SL ruining everyone’s afterlives. With his ultimate goal to gain power over reality and enslave everyone under his iron boot.
Evilness 9/10
Baldness 10/10
But most of it stems from just a villain-like power trip. He disagreed with the First One’s way of ordering the afterlife. But not for good reasons, he just wants more power and more dominion. To expand Death to be the dominant force of the cosmos. His brethren disagreed, preferring balance.
The other covenants are good people who for ages have done everything to safeguard souls and give everyone a nice afterworld. So I’d be more inclined to trust them than Zovaal’s idea.
Right! Just once we need a villain with a luxurious mane of beautiful hair. Maybe then they wouldn’t be so angry and evil and we could work things out. It’s no wonder he’s upset
People look to much at words he spoke and not at the motive and scope of his actions.
He wanted to give free choice in afterlife. Good.
But he really wanted to achieve that by making everyone his slave. Bad.
In the overall scope of the story [or lack thereof] in this game, he is set up as a bad guy. No matter how you agree with some of the stuff he says etc…
It’s like Sargeras killing all life because he didn’t want the void lords or w.e to win.
Thanos in Marvel wanted a universe with no suffering so he snaps half the population out of existence.
Jailer has some good in what he [wanted] but the latest cinematic is him wanting everyone to serve him so that ain’t good.
The Makers’ flawed design is having to wait until the Forge of the Afterlives makes a proper Afterlife for the Soul being judged.
Zovaal lacked the patience to judge the Soul and decided he might as well tear down the Machine and replace it with one where all serves his grand design(most likely one that pumps out the Afterlives quicker and Souls quicker).
The Arbiter that replaced Zovaal was intended to be impartial and thus was programmed to send the Soul to the Afterlife that fit it best and if there was no Afterlife that fit it best it should shut off until the new Afterlife was made then turn on again.
Since Denathrius wasn’t causing an Anima Drought the last time that happened no one noticed Sylvanas getting sent to the Maw except Zovaal and his followers.
Once Sylvanas noticed the next instance of Souls going to the Maw(thanks to a Soul not fit for any Afterlife at the time) via the Azerite she and Zovaal immediately capitalized on this by causing as many casualties as possible while also getting Denathrius to cause an Anima Drought just to further empower the Maw.
She naturally also used the Azerite itself as an pretext for War despite not having any actual need of it.
She of course hoped that Zovaal would tear the entire Machine down not replace it with one that works according to his Design! She wanted Free Will not a better machine that decides Fate!