Why is the game being taken down multiple times a week every week?



Wow 2 with no maintenance when?

This morning. I opened my launcher and it wasn’t there. I joined the game and moments later got a server shut down warning. Forgive me if I don’t stay up to the second on what they’re doing after their MAINTENANCE window has passed (on tuesday). Some of us have more to do than that.

Good for you! :heart:

Servers are up now

dunno… maybe its cause they just released a successful and wonderful expansion we all love and its growing pains?

cut them some slack…

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He’s not complaining that maintenance downtime exists, he’s complaining about the quantity of downtime. You’re straw-manning the argument by conflating this to mean all maintenance is not required, which is not what he’s saying. There have been more recent game releases that required far fewer downtime hours.

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Careful now. You’ll be accused of being a Blizzard defender.

Tell me don’t know what you’re talking about, without telling me you don’t know what you’re talking about. :man_facepalming:

you can’t really compare other mmo’s to wow when we all know wow has a massive budget compared to other mmo’s including final fantasy yet its just as bad as them lol.

Growing Pains 3 months after the expansion? I think Blizzard no longer puts a high value on having the servers available for players. When the game was first released the once a week predictable downtime was a drawing point for some. Now it seems like they have the once a week scheduled downtime and then also have the random downtimes a few times, its the worst of both worlds.

The OP is complaining about ‘excessive’ down time. They are being asked to fix issues whereas in the past they didn’t fix things until either major patch updates or at the end of the expansion.

They are doing what people want them to do. If a couple hours of extra maintenance does that, then I support that.

Not everything is going to be fixed on one day and they are proactively working on things being reported to them. That’s great. At least that has changed.

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they fired all their QA and their workers are being complacent sitting at home petting their cats rather than working for their 8 hours like they should. they do the bare minimum working from home

kinda glad they are being forced back to the office

People assume that. Reality is we have no idea what budget the suits allocate to each game, and to each sub team within that. Apparently the current leader of Blizzard does not think much of QA, so I doubt they would have adequate budget and support.

People also compare a game to critical websites like banks, amazon, etc that are the backbones of finance and commerce. Those are going to have little to no downtime. Games, not so critical hence the down time is pretty normal.

That is 100% false.

Not only do I support the hamsters, I support QA. They are not slackers and were not fired.

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it is absolutely true

as someone who has worked from home its the absolute truth

yes we are the QA

you get to pay to test the game for them

So have I and I did way more work instead of less because work was always there…and I had no commute. You may have done less work at home, but that is not the reality for many, and you also have no clue about the performance of Blizzard staff. There certainly are no public notices of QA being fired for “slacking” that I am aware of.

It is also possible you are being sarcastic and kidding and I am missing it totally.

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They need to increase the standard for what justifies taking the servers down. If they did that than perhaps they would be more careful on tuesday when doing maintenance. As it stands now we have to follow up Tuesday maintenance with more downtime throughout the week in almost every week since DF launch.

QA isnt the ones im talking about for being lazy

they fired their QA, the workers im talking about is the developers

Well put! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately the army of fanboys here that defend their every move will most likely insulate them from having to address any of these issues.