Why is the dungeon community just so hostile?

Not a lot of players like or use 3rd party websites. I don’t mind them sometimes, but for a lot of players it is a great big, nah.

My favorite parts of these threads is that when people complain about how easy normal dungeons are, and then when it’s suggested that they try a higher difficulty their only retort is “No I don’t wanna group with sweaty tryhard nerds.”

Difficult content exists if you want to do it.

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You’ve completely moved the goal post from “the dungeon community is hostile” as the poster’s experience, to some nebulous “it only counts if x% of the community has experienced what I define as toxicity.”

And you’ve taken a bewildering number of words to do it.

The forum post was someone complaining about their personal experience with groups being toxic and hostile. They are not the only person to have experienced that. I’m not sure you know what you’re trying to argue, which now seems to be “there may be toxicity but I don’t care because there isn’t enough of it to care about.”

Okay. Good for you.


The m+ dungeons of the past maybe. Now you get obliterated for pulling that much

This is kind of curious. What is toxic? Is it like hey, quit face pulling crap so we can stop dying or is it like blank blank blankity blank you blanking blank?

Healing is super un fun in leveling dungeons with go go go tanks. I usually level heals but I stopped. Too stressful lol.

Just don’t que as healer until 80 and you are geared.

I’m not sure it’s ever been anything otherwise. I think that the sad part is that I am more surprised when people are friendly and understanding, which says a lot.

I definitely love all the tanks who try to pull the entire dungeon but utterly fail to maintain threat on anything.


It’s way way worst this expac. Most tanks aren’t really tanks they just dps who want fast ques.


That is blizzard’s fault for making tanking a face roll job and not having threat mean anything for multiple expansions. But yes, I get you and agree.


… the hell do you think “community” means…?
If someone says “community” they aren’t talking about one or two people. And with M+ being the primary way people engage with dungeons in WoW, yes. All of this is there in the context of what they said.

“I had a bad experience in dungeons whilst levelling and want to vent about it” is miles apart from “Why is ‘everyone who participates in dungeon content’ just so hostile?” So yeah, unless you are the guy with some nebulous definition of “community”, that’s what was said.

Oh-kay here’s fewer words to say what I’ve been saying this entire time:
It ain’t toxic to go fast, people want to do dungeons quickly, and no - folks in-game are in general not behaving like the caricatures people repeatedly paint people as on these forums. So this thread’s entire premise is, at best, wrong, false, misleading, and just a blatant example of trolling.

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More or less the truth of the matter.

Players who aren’t in a rush don’t do ANY dungeons in WoW because of what the community acts like and behaves. Some have moved onto other games, others simply avoid the dungeons specifically.

I mean, I haven’t done a dungeon that I haven’t solo’ed since BfA… and quite honestly, that may have only been guild-only groups (there’s a couple I know I’ve yet to run at all). Which means I haven’t done random dungeons since at least Legion. Dungeons for leveling purposes or (more likely) quests before the level cap? MoP, maybe WoD.

While WoW as a game persists, MANY opt to avoid the majority of the group content. Hell, I think the only reason LFR works (at least based on what I’ve seen in DF during the TWW pre-patch) is that people are able to get “lost in the crowd”… and maybe just everyone being ridiculously over-geared thanks to all the catch-up gear during the pre-patch itself

And while I wouldn’t call it a certainty, one side effect of Delves being a potential path for progression means there could be a large section of the “calmer” players simply opting to do Delves instead of subjecting themselves to dungeon chicanery yet again. It’s no longer necessary for them to do a content they perceive as painful… therefore, they just don’t do it.

I mean, why would you torture yourself by going through these experiences if you don’t have to?

Questing to level up isn’t exactly the fastest method (and is so accelerated that you actually don’t even see half the zones you want to), but at least you’re usually not dealing with jerks every five minutes.


If people would use their brains and understand how these pulls work, threat wouldn’t be an issue.

Don’t hit, don’t heal, LoS, stick with yo tank, etc.

Another day, another thread with noobs complaining about these pulls just because they don’t understand how they work or why they’re done even though it’s been the meta for several expansions. Lmao.

The good news OP is when you are geared and doing heroics for satchels the tanks are a bit better cause only legit tanks que for heroics (mostly)

So you’re just going to pretend there aren’t a bunch of tanks not even bothering to AoE. Okay then.

Bro what you on about?
out of the 6 months of remix, 5 months and 2 weeks were people just speed running the raid and dungeons. My priest could literally solo everything spamming holy nova.

This hasn’t been my experience in LFD this year at all, and I want to thank everyone! I am constantly barraging entire rooms by accident, and nobody’s even said a peep about it. Tank just gathers them up and we keep going our merry way. Even when I accidentally pull the boss into mobs, where I would probably have voted to kick my own self, nobody bats an eye. Thank you all for your patience and tolerance! I really mean it.

It does suck. I kind of blame them for giving tanks the ability to steam roll most things solo. Delves, world content, etc. Ideally you’d want to have a team of people together, but also balancing the game around limited time people as well…

I don’t envy the game balancing aspect they have to endure, but the community is something they can’t code for. You either act kind, or you don’t.

One more time for those in the back…


If you’re not running ahead of the tank and grabbing aggro first by proximity…or lagging behind to pick up threat an hour later when it’s fallen off of the tank who is a mile ahead of you, there shouldn’t be an issue.

There is zero problem with tanks picking up adds along the way by running through them. This is what’s done every single time on the beginning of Echoes without issue.

If you’re grabbing threat, that’s a you issue because you don’t understand how the pulls work and you’re hitting or healing before you’re supposed to, and you’re not sticking by your tank.

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Sorry, I just assumed we were talking about mythic when someone says toxic that is where my mind goes, not necessarily because I have seen any real toxicity, it is just because I keep hearing about it mostly, which is kind of funny.