Been leveling this character up through TWW dungeons. Jesus people are so impatient. Even one miniscule mistake by anyone, and people just vote kick you.
On top of this, every leveling dungeon the tank is pulling 4-5 packs at a time, making it feel like I’m healing a M+ dungeon.
I can see why there is a lack of healers and tanks at the end game. You don’t learn anything in leveling dungeons about the dungeon.
I’ve been playing this game for years, and I have never seen players being this hostile, and impatient in dungeons.
Do you really need to heal on LFD?
I highly doubt it
It’s true I just leveled my Warlock through there. Tanks still mass-pulling wherever they can.
In the last 5 years I’ve seen only 1 person get vote kicked that wasn’t a 2 min dc/afk and that was a bear tank that wasn’t tanking just pulling then standing there
Yeah I just edited my post, it was meant to the “feel like healing m+” part of the paragraph
When the tank pulls half the dungeon, yes you do need to heal. In fact, I was blowing every CD I had yesterday on most runs just clearing trash.
If that’s the case then it sounds like fun. I hate slow pulling. I’m literally falling asleep when tanks do that and it’s me who’s healing.
Every LFD is like pulling the lever on a slot machine. It’s been this way for as long as I can remember. It’s just expected at this point, and part of the risk players take by signing up with randoms.
People complaining about the road to strength again… the point is to rise above not buckle under it.
Thats because normals are not difficult if people are pressing their abilities and it saves alot of time leveling.
What helps you learn more? Abit of healing pressure while leveling or not having any damage going out at all. Because thats what you will get from normal dungeons if 1 pack is pulled at a time
Depends on the average ilvl of the group , if you at or below the tuning you most certainly do
Because Blizzard has encouraged it for past 10 years so naturally the playerbase who wanted to chill runs disappeared and GO go go Andy stayed behind,
Now days these ppl are asking to automate interrupts so as to not waste them rather than communicating it with your fellow players.
,Have you actually seen ppl chatting in lfD or going about like a follower bot ??

You really get chill run in group finder nowadays but only for like the first few weeks
You’re not going to win with the wow forums crowd. They are the same people you are complaining about in the game. If anything it’s not just dungeons that have become like this(toxic).
It’s every facet of the game. Dungeons, raids, even open world people are just mean. Everyone acts like someone is out to get them so they rush through every content or try to get to every mob or profession node before someone else.
Um, the entire run takes around 10-12 mins. I don’t get how much more time people need to save?
There is a point where pulling a few packs is fine, but tanks are just running a head out ranging everyone causing wipes, that isn’t fun.
The problem with players like you, you expect every single player to be a vet, there is like zero room for new players to learn in the game anymore.
Follower dungeons don’t teach you squat about healing.
Nope. It was us players who wanted to go faster and faster. Which makes perfect sense since we have been doing this since vanilla. The only difference is that we now count a dungeon in minutes, rather than an hour+.
I have never ever heard anyone ever make this request in the 18:ish years I have been playing the game. So… excuse me if I think you aren’t being serious at all, especially since you are saying it is Blizzard who encouraged a behaviour that is entirely player driven.
If players want to go slowly, players will go slowly. But folks don’t want that, and folks like to rather test what they are capable of doing. So… folks started to pull more and more, faster and faster, and thus… We are here and the overwhelming majority of players are happy with it.
No new player is going to complain about something which they have no frame of reference for there being anything else in the game. You are just doing an appeal akin to “Think of the children” because what you are saying here is just as fake as that kind of a pleading.
With this being a 20 year old game it’s a good idea to be kind to new players if you want wow to last another 5 to 10 years.
Could be 5 min runs. Tanks can literally solo normals if they pressed their active mitigation. Its true not everyone is a vet, so the tanks causing the wipes need to learn what is good to pull and not just blindly pull everything. Most of the leveling dungeons this exp can be done in less than 8 pulls
You mean the vets that have been playing the game for a long time, new players have a hard time with this play style.
I can see why this game has trouble holding new players.
The main issue is, that tanks are just too powerful. A leveling tank shouldn’t be able to pull and hold 4 packs at a time.
I just guess this is how the game is now. And you guys wonder why there are so many noobs in your M+ runs.
except tanks in m+ dont pull anywhere close to normals. The avg person understands the curve. What youre saying almost never happens in higher m+ keys. Its not just tanks, people in general dont press defensives at all and its what causes high m+ to fail this season.
Nope , There was no M+ before there fore it was not encouraged similarly to how services channels support boosting , it was ENCOURAGED after M+ was added
Congratz , you are going to hear it twice today once from me and once from the thread yesterday asking about it - you can search for kicks in the search bar
IN an LFD ??? Nope , you are almost guaranteed to get kicked or to have bad experience.
I just don’t think this is honest.
This is not new behavior. It has been this way since the launch of the dungeon finder back in Wrath. Turns out people don’t want to spend an hour in a dungeon they’ve done dozens of times when it can be done in 10 minutes.
If you wanna take your time, do follower dungeons.